Sunday, September 30, 2007


Yum, I ate some delicious crackers today.

Can crackers be delicious?

So, I am so sore from Friday night. It was after the football game, and some friends and I decided to be stupid and race up and down the aisles of the Room. I don't think I could remember the last time I ran that fast. I was on the tips of my toes as I sprinted up and back down the rows. I wasn't exhausted either. It wasn't a hard sprint, but later I started to feel it.

Like today.

I didn't feel anything yesterday. Saturday. I think it was a nice day yesterday. I was at home, and I talked to Pastel for about 1987235060348572034 years.

But oooh, this morning.

I felt it.

I was so sore. I went to sleep on the floor by accident, and then I woke up in the middle of the night, and went to bed. When I got up this morning, my legs and abs, felt like they were bleeding.

OH the agony!

It was difficult to laugh, and I love to do that, so you know how it must have felt.

I went to Church today, of course, and I had a nice time. After, I went to 'Ryan's' with the family and a friend of the family. I ate some good food :D

When I got home, all I wanted to do was lay down. I think I looked pregnant again, because my stomach was sticking out so far. I thought it was going to explode.

PASTEL. Again. Today I learned my Hungarian numbers :D

1: Edy
2: Kettő
3: Harom
4: Negy
5: Öt
6: Hat
7: Hét
8: Nyolc
9: Kilenc
10. Tiz
11. Tizenegy
13. Tizenhárom
14. Tizennégy
15. Tizenöt
16. Tizenhat
17. Tizenhét
18. Tizennyolc
19. Tizenkilenc
20. Húsz
21. Huszonegy
30. Harminc
31. Harmincegy
40. Negyven
50. Ötven
60. Hatvan
70. Hetven
80. Nyolcvan
90. Kilencven
100. Szaz

Now I just have to memorize them :D

This week went by so fast! It is already Monday again. Then it will be next Monday. Then Christmas. You just wait. See? It is already October! Today is the last day of September.

Saturday, I felt so go about myself. I worked on my Spanish. I hadn't done that in a long time, so I decided to work some, and it was worth it.

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