Saturday, September 22, 2007


I really think this weekend sucked.

I know it is not all the way over, but I haven't been home in two days, and I am so unorganized. It is so frustrating.

Today is Saturday, and I did a lot.

I'd rather not post about it though, because I was frustrated most of the day.

I will say I got to do some things with friends, but other than that, I thought I was going to blow my top.

I watched that movie "Premonition" today. Before, I had seen a preview, and I thought it looked like a good movie to watch. The movie wasn't even as half as good as it seemed. The ending sucked, and all through the movie there is useless confusion. I give it a 5.7 stars out 10.

Last night was the Bwood Game.

I think this week went by fast! I knew it would. All of them have been lately.

I went to Petco and RadioShack today. I saw that phone I was going to buy, and it was about 40 dollars cheaper!

It was amazing.

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