Sunday, September 30, 2007


Yum, I ate some delicious crackers today.

Can crackers be delicious?

So, I am so sore from Friday night. It was after the football game, and some friends and I decided to be stupid and race up and down the aisles of the Room. I don't think I could remember the last time I ran that fast. I was on the tips of my toes as I sprinted up and back down the rows. I wasn't exhausted either. It wasn't a hard sprint, but later I started to feel it.

Like today.

I didn't feel anything yesterday. Saturday. I think it was a nice day yesterday. I was at home, and I talked to Pastel for about 1987235060348572034 years.

But oooh, this morning.

I felt it.

I was so sore. I went to sleep on the floor by accident, and then I woke up in the middle of the night, and went to bed. When I got up this morning, my legs and abs, felt like they were bleeding.

OH the agony!

It was difficult to laugh, and I love to do that, so you know how it must have felt.

I went to Church today, of course, and I had a nice time. After, I went to 'Ryan's' with the family and a friend of the family. I ate some good food :D

When I got home, all I wanted to do was lay down. I think I looked pregnant again, because my stomach was sticking out so far. I thought it was going to explode.

PASTEL. Again. Today I learned my Hungarian numbers :D

1: Edy
2: Kettő
3: Harom
4: Negy
5: Öt
6: Hat
7: Hét
8: Nyolc
9: Kilenc
10. Tiz
11. Tizenegy
13. Tizenhárom
14. Tizennégy
15. Tizenöt
16. Tizenhat
17. Tizenhét
18. Tizennyolc
19. Tizenkilenc
20. Húsz
21. Huszonegy
30. Harminc
31. Harmincegy
40. Negyven
50. Ötven
60. Hatvan
70. Hetven
80. Nyolcvan
90. Kilencven
100. Szaz

Now I just have to memorize them :D

This week went by so fast! It is already Monday again. Then it will be next Monday. Then Christmas. You just wait. See? It is already October! Today is the last day of September.

Saturday, I felt so go about myself. I worked on my Spanish. I hadn't done that in a long time, so I decided to work some, and it was worth it.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Under the Sea

I went to the beach yesterday and saw some seashells. I wanted to pick one up, but then it turned out to be a giant clam!

Just then the whole beach dissappeared, and I dove under the water and saw a school of fish. They looked up at me and quickly swam away.

I swam deeper after them, and then I noticed that the water was getting darker and darker as I went. I was beginning to get a little scared.

There was something down there, but I didn't know what it was; I turned around to go back up, but I realized that I couldn't remember the way. It was so dark, I couldn't see where I was.
All of a sudden, a bright green light appeared out of the darkness. I was afraid because I had heard about those deep sea monsters. What if it was the Loch Ness? Or even a giant piranha? I was in terrible danger.

I had to make a quick decision: Either keep swimming down, or turn around and get farther lost. I didn't want to die, or drown, so I had to make a choice fast.

I spotted one fish, two fish, three! I think it was the school I saw earlier! I started to swim after them, as they began to take me higher and higher out of the deep.

Slowly we reached the tip of the light. I was elated! I was so afraid, but now my body was only filled with joy.

As soon as I reached the top of the water, I took in a giant gulp of fresh air. I made my way back to the beach to relax, and catch my breath. I laid down on the warm sand, and right there beside me was a pearly white seashell.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


Ha, So I just got done listening to that 1980's 'Go-Go' song.

I was so happy when I got home today. I didn't have hardly ANY work to do, and I am going to be able to go to bed early tonight :) Happiness!

I was so tired; I came home and then went to sleep. At 7:30, I woke up with a toothache.. AGAIN. Sucks..

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tanoshii no Hi

So, I thought it was an "okay" day today, despite the fact that last night's sleep patterns were offf the walls.

I fell asleep at 9:10, which was an utter and complete accident, and then I woke back up at 11. I then went back to sleep, and woke back up at 2:12 with another one of those killer toothaches that I am known for. I waited for that to wear off, and then I started reading that book "To kill a Mockingbird."

I then fell back asleep at 5, totally forgetting that I had to get back up in less than an hour.

I then woke up at 6:30, to get ready to leave.

Gymnastics was great tonight. I am doing so much better.

I am a little tired right now. I would so go to sleep, but I have some work to do, and I figured I could post a little in my blog.

[Pastel: you got the letter, now make the post!]

Time for me to get busy...

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Wet Behind the Ears


Again, can you believe it?

Wasn't I just making a post about last Sunday?

So today, I slouched around.. Trying to heal from last Saturday's anguish. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I talked to Pastel for the longest time.

I went to church, and then I came home and ate some "beef stew chicken pot pie." It's not what it seems, I just don't know the name for it. It is kind of like chicken pot pie, but it has cornbread on the top with beef stew on the bottom. It is so good.

I was sitting, and then I looked down at my thigh, and I saw a purple bruise on it. "Where in the world--" I thought. Then I remembered that I ran into a bar on accident, and though I accidentally amputated my own leg. That hurt a lot. But now, there is a big fat bruise there.. SUCKS.

I also drank some strawberry water.

I feel so bad, I lost my digital camera. I seriously don't know where it is.

I have the case, but the camera part is lost in the jungle.

So I just got out the shower, and I washed my hair, and my ears are all wet. Just incase you were guessing why I put 'Wet behind the ears.'

I am listening to this song "Corazonado" by Ricky Martin. I really love his old songs.

Earlier, it was so weird because I heard this old George Michael song "Careless Whisper," and I didn't know who it was, and then I went home and looked it up, and saw a very 1980's him, singing about him not being able to ever dance again. It was kinda catchy I must admit, but a little weird. I'm never gonna dance again? Come on now..

So anyway, I have some things to do, so I am going to leave it at that.

Buenas Noches.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


I really think this weekend sucked.

I know it is not all the way over, but I haven't been home in two days, and I am so unorganized. It is so frustrating.

Today is Saturday, and I did a lot.

I'd rather not post about it though, because I was frustrated most of the day.

I will say I got to do some things with friends, but other than that, I thought I was going to blow my top.

I watched that movie "Premonition" today. Before, I had seen a preview, and I thought it looked like a good movie to watch. The movie wasn't even as half as good as it seemed. The ending sucked, and all through the movie there is useless confusion. I give it a 5.7 stars out 10.

Last night was the Bwood Game.

I think this week went by fast! I knew it would. All of them have been lately.

I went to Petco and RadioShack today. I saw that phone I was going to buy, and it was about 40 dollars cheaper!

It was amazing.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Recibo una carta!




That's what my back has been doing all day today. I think it's bruised though. I got punched in the back. It wasn't a love tap either.

Someone deliberatly punched me in the back and in the hip, and it is hurting now. I admit, I got into a fight. You won't believe who it was with though.


Hoy es el cumpleanos de Dianeisy, y tiene mucho anos. Haha, abuelita~!

I plan to go to bed early tonight.. of course that never happens, although I think I might have a chance this time. It is 9:43, I am tired, and my bed is calling me. I don't think I have gotten more than 5 hours of sleep per night in over a 2 weeks. This is extremely sad. I am running out of energy!

I am getting sleepy at 9 o'clock now! That is bad! I used to get tired at around 3, 4 a.m. Hehe, Now I am the abuelita.

I got a letter from Pastel today! It is always exciting to get letters from him :D

Man, I had to skip gymnastics yesterday. I had so much to do. It frustrates me so bad when I don't have time for it, but it was necessary, I must admit.

Can you believe it is almost Friday again? It came so quick! I remember last Friday, and the frustration that Thursday brought to me!

Monday, September 17, 2007


It was SO HOT today! I thought I was melting!

I was so exhausted by the end of the day, I couldn't even complain [and I do a lot of that :D].

It amazes me how hot the sun can ACTUALLY get.

There is not too much to talk about right now. I am up late, and I need to finish some stuff. I went to sleep not long after I got in today. I was so tired. I woke up about 10 mins ago, and then remembered this.

I learned that word. 'Mentirosa' - Liar this past weekend. Someone called me that. Haha.

I never knew that word. I have always saying "No es verdad," or "No tienes razon." This is so much easier.

It felt like I was hungry all day today. My stomach was growling and having fits. It was weird.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mexican Dulce

Sunday is one of days where you get up, and think: "Ah, this is going to be a relaxing day."

It was somewhat like that, only I spent a lot of it talking with friends and family in person, on the internet, and on the phone.

I sent Pastel's letter today. Now let's see how long it takes him to get it.

My brother stopped by today. He bought a Pizza.

Guess what, my tooth is hurting me again. Giving me trouble. I want to sue that dentist for not doing a good job. I really don't want to have to get it pulled, but if that is the case, then I am up for it. I cannot stand staying up at night with tooth pain anymore. I just can't take it.

I got pictures of the kids; if you want to see, just tell me.

I ate some Mexican candy today. It was so hot, it cleared up my sinuses. It made my nose and eyes water. Now that's some good candy!

My kitten came home, I am so glad. I thought he ran away. He was so skinny. It looked like he hadn't eaten in days!

I think this weekend was filled with a lot of heartbreak. Lot's of things happened. I just hope this upcoming week is much MUCH better.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Off Day.

I watched 3 movies today! That is the best I have done in--a while! I hardly ever watch movies anymore.

So anyway, I watched:

"200 Pound Beauty": Which is a Korean movie. It was pretty good. I think it is more of a chick flick though.

It took me about 5 hours to watch that because I kept having to push pause because people kept talking to me, and calling me. Then when I finished that, I saw that "Catwoman" was coiming on.

I have seen this movie at least 2 times before, but I never got to finish it; I have always been interrupted. So I finished it. I give it 6 stars out of 10.

Right after that, "Batman" came on. I just watched it. Now this was the old one. From 1989. It is alright. It is on right now.

The 80's theme is great.

Today was a relaxing day. I went out for Chinese. I haven't had had in a while. Sushi tasted a little weird though.

Tooth is giving me problems again.

I talked to Pastel today. It wasn't very long because we both had to go leave.

Alfred Hickock. Isn't he that psycho movie director that made all those classic horror movies? I don't think I have seen any.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I <3 Pastel

There is a surprise in every post :D

I am so sore.

I don't really remember how I got sore, but I think it had something to do with those push-ups I did the other day.. hmm..

It has been so rainy lately. AGAIN. There is supposed to be a tropical storm coming our way. AGAIN. I don't really care. AGAIN.

I got new shoes and a new purse.

I couldn't stand it.

I just had to buy them.

Yes, I am addicted, I know, but what can I say?

Today, it was so strange, because I was getting this throbbing headache, and this girl was yelling in my ear.. I think she was on crack.

I don't think I have sat down and watched the tv in over a month. That is unbelievable. You know you are busy when...

Pastel you need to read this, and update yours. GANGSTA. LoL.

I had gymnastics last night. It was a usual time, I didn't really improve too much. Just an average night.

My friend was working on triples though. JEALOUS.

Not really. I think it is so great.

I feel so old. I am sore, grouchy and stiff. Well the grouchy part is just in the mornings. You know? I am actually bossy in the mornings. I am not really grouchy. Like control freak I guess. Maybe it comes from being pushed for time.

Our babies are cute. They are gangstas too.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Missing You.

Anata ni! Aitakute! Aitakute!

Good song.

So anyway, I have missed 2 days, and at lease 3 in the past week. Sad. I guess I can't keep up. I haven't forgotten about my blog. Never. Unlike that stupid Bloguru one that won't work.

I have to make this sweet and short because I have things to do.

I was up until 2 a.m yesterday doing things and then I turned around and woke up at 6. Things like that make me just want to go kick everything to the curb, and take a vacation to Hawaii. Which is not at all a bad idea.

"Scheduled outage at 11PM PDT."

Hmm, I wonder what that means. LoL

I paid my phone bill yesterday. About time.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Can I do it all?


That's all I can say for now. So much to do, so little time.

I had to go to El Campo last night for a game. I didn't write in my blog for two days. Whoops.

I knew this would happen. I will just write when I have the time.

Like right now, these precious 3 minutes I have before I have to go do some studying.

You know what I realized? There just isn't enough hours in the day. At ALL. I need more time! I am falling asleep as you read this. So sad.. I have had a weird day.

I did happen to find time to buy some new shoes today. I couldn't resist. We were actually out for la hermana, but I couldn't stop myself. I signed the check.

I am going to be regretting that later because tomorrow I am going to purchase a new phone. It is going to take a bunch of money to get it activated. About time though, I have been putting it off for about 3 months.

My hotmail account is overflowing with mail. I need to respond!

Omg, I kept cutting myself today. NOT intentionally of course, but I kept getting scratched on accident. Like.. I was walking with a case, and the edge cut a gash in my shin. It was terrible. It is hurting at this very moment! Later, I was putting on some clothes, and the zipper ripped up my thigh... as it was coming up, it ran up my thigh, and left some bruises, and scrapes. I don't know why, maybe it's bad luck?

My friend was telling me about ants. She said she got attacked like I did, but it was worse. There's something up with those bugs..

I saw her, and she had bites all over her arms.. and they had turned red. They got her bad. She was talking to me, and then all of a sudden, she noticed she had some more. They looked gross. And I thought I had it bad.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Train

I am listening to this song called "Train" by V6.

Today was hectic. I got a good average of about 5 hours.. Plus interruptions. Hmm, I would say 4 hours and 23 mins. (I didn't actually calculate)

I have so much work to do. This post is going to be short. [Lo siento Pastel, Ferj!]

This weekend is a birthday, so you know what that means. Fun with a bunch of people! This is an 18th, so it is going to be good.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007



I guess you can say it wasn't that humid today, I don't know.

PASTEL! I really wish you would continue to have something for me to look at! There is nothing in there for me to look at! I am so sad everytime. :(

My tooth was randomly hurting today. That same one I got all the work on last month. I just brushed my teeth, and stangely, it went away. Hmmm.

I got home so late tonight. I hope all Tuesdays aren't going to be like this. I was tired at Gymnatics, and then I did a mediocore job. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't REALLY good.

Sorry these posts have been so short. I am telling you, I have been so busy.

Monday, September 3, 2007



Here is your post.

I Don't think I have ever made three posts in one day. Ok, maybe a long time ago when I was just starting this thing out, but never recently.

I am usually too busy for that. Sad.

I still think this name is Russian, pastel told me that; something about a king or something.. I CAN'T REMEMBER!

Anyway, you have a nice day!

Proud Parent

It rained so hard. It was kind of frightening. Not so bad, but it was weird, it looked like night all day today. Dust dark.

I did so much work today. I can't believe my eyes. Or whatever I should say.

All day long.

I can't believe it.

Now when I say work, I mean study.

I took the occasional break to talk with friends or what not, but still. That is so much for me.

Pastel and I are proud parents :)

22 Healthy fat babies. There are the names down there.

Our Babies

I am the mother of these children:

1st born: Joe Pastel Barna
2nd born: Peter Pedro Barna Jr.
3rd born: Szeretlek Love Barna
4th born: Michael Harold Barna
5th born: Chad Tiger Barna
6th born: Chandler Raymond Barna
7th born: Joey Balazs Barna
8th born: Dani Orlando Barna
9th born: Muriel Szilvi Barna
10th born: Kiley Marietta Barna
11th born: Ann Robin Barna
12th born: Ross Ulrich Barna
13th born: Maria Rochelle Barna
14th born: Ben Henry Barna
15th born: Brad Will Barna
16th born: Chandra Juliana Barna
17th born: György Yalcin Barna
18th born: Gábor Angel Barna
19th born: Jenna Rose Barna
20th born: Ernő Wilbur Barna
21th born: Mercedes Laleh Barna
22th born: Leah Sissy Barna

All last name "Barna"

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Birthday Greetings

Pastel! I talked to you most of today!

Today was my brother's 23rd birthday. We got him a 7-up cake and a stethescope. If that's spelled right.

The reason for one of those is because he is going into nursing school, so. Mom thought it would be appropriate.

I ate some chocolate covered raisins today. So good.

Evil sin.

I did some AP work. College courses are hard.

Right now I am about to do some more.

There was a bat at our church flying around outside. Those things are so dangerous. It's crazy. People were standing and staring at it; I hurried up and got in the car. There was this case about 2 years ago, this boy got bit by one, and he died. He got rabies. This wasn't far from where I live either. He got bit at school :(

My kittens are so big. I wish I wasn't lazy, I would put a picture in but I am too lazy.

Tomorrow is already Monday. Then Tuesday. I won't go to All American, because I am going to be so busy then. Maybe next week.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


It's officially September.

The new year is almost here, which is so sad. Then it will be June again; time passes by so fast.

Pastel I am waiting..