Well, I don't remember if I made a post yesterday, and I know I could have just checked my blog, but sometimes, I think even I am too lazy to do that.
We went to THRILL THE WORLD in Spring, and it was fun, yet, a little dissapointing. We learned the full dance, yet, when we arrived at the designation, it was deserted. But we made the best of it by finding a nearby park to dance at.
It is late, I should be asleep, but I figured if I didn't post about it now, then I would forget it later.
Oh, and I almost forgot.
That mean ol' Pastel is such a jerk.
He takes up all my day. He is so rude. Again, that chico occupied my whole Sunday evening. Like most every Sunday evening, and we talked until 7 something. The nerve of some people! :D