Sunday, July 1, 2007

Raining, Pouring.

Today was ok. I was tired, but I made it through. It was really rainy.

Josephine has just returned from her month long vacation. My house is going to be a FunHouse again. She hasn't been able to come by to see me, because I have been working. How about that? Whenever I was out of work, there was so little to do. Now, EVERYTHING is happening. Oh the irony.

I am so happy! Lots of people have been coming to my blog! It is exciting to come back everyday to post, and see the numbers rising at the bottom. Can you believe I made it a little over 2 weeks ago? Some don't even believe it. I do. I write in it everyday!

I actually enjoy it. Now, when someone is trying to ask me how my day was and I'm busy, or tired, or just on the run, I can say, "Go to my blog, I wrote all about it." Love that feeling.

I was really trying to go and study a little today. I got distracted, yet again. Only this time, it was by movies. Rain makes me want to watch movies. I can watch movies all day long, if the sun isn't shining outside. I love movies. Today's list included: "Girl Positive" (Lifetime Original Movie) "Ghandi" I only watched a little of that because I came in so late, about 45 minutes, and I didn't understand what was going on. "Walking Tall" Good movie. I have always wanted to watch it. "The Crow" in Spanish. It is so weird to watch a movie in Spanish. I wanted to see the crow because it was supposedly a really good movie. I know all about it too. Bruce Lee's son was the main character, and, whenever I watched "Dragon: A Bruce Lee Story" I learned all about him, and his family curse. So strange. I was watching Brandon in "The Crow" or in Spanish, "El Cuervo," and I was thinking how much he looked like his dad!! It made me sad! I get emotional over that kind of stuff. What can I say? I am a very sentimental kind of person!!

Anyway, I love the Dragon movie; it is so great. I found out it came on today, and I was mad!

It is my fault anyway, I was sleeping with teabags on my eyes.

Which reminds me, that is a great remedy for baggy dark eyes. I got it from Denise Austin. She is a fitness guru. She's about what? 50-something? And she is in great shape. She has plenty of tips, workouts, information, and updates on just about any kind of health related topic you can think about. Especially meals. You health-freaks should check her out.

While I was watching "Girl Positive" today, the rain and lightening flared up. It was terrible! It was raining and pouring! Everytime the lightening struck, my cable messed up. I think that was a sign for me to turn it off. It went away for a bit, but then it came back after "Girl Positive" went off, and "How I married my High School Crush" came on. I watched the beginning of it, but then the weather got so bad, I had to turn it off. I missed about an hour of it. Whenever it cleared up another time, it was the end, and I saw it. Ruined the whole thing for myself. Whoops.

I just got word that I might not have work tomorrow! Which is super good, because the Forecast says that it is going to rain. Hard. Just like it did today. So. We will see.


philosopher1983 said...

I also like Jackie Chan's Action movies. We have the same preference, you know. Anyway, how about Jet Lee? And I now want to recommend Tony Jaa, the most famous Thai action acter, who has now become internationally well-known through his starring in Ong-Bak. (the Scarred Buddha Image)I am sure he is as flexible as Jackie Chan. While Jackie Chan applies Kungfu to his career, Tony Jaa represents the legendary Thai boxing, advancing his own fighting tactics. Try getting to know him and you will not be disappointed!

LLL0110 said...

Yes! Of course! Have you read any of my other posts! I have one that is totally to him! (Jet Li) I suggest you read then"Kiss of The Dragon" Post.