Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Day After

What happens the day after the 4th of July?

Usually people savour the time they have on the holiday, because the next day, they are going to have to recover from their severe hangovers, clean up all the firecrackers, make the relatives go home, and eat--eat--eat leftovers.. Yuck!

Luckily, I don't have to do any of that because I didn't do any of that last night! In fact, it rained so hard, that I didn't even think ANYBODY was able to do it.

We celebrated, but it was an indoor celebration. Josephine then got sick the next morning, but it wasn't from drinking. I promise! I had to go to the store and pick up some medicine.

After she slowly recovered, we went out the this new resturaunt in town called "El Jimador" SO delicious! I couldn't even eat half of what I ordered. I got a Chimichanga.. if that's even how you spell it.

I took it home, and when I walked in, I went straight to the couch. I was tired! I was just about to relax, when I looked down at the carpet, and saw an ant. Just one ant.

Then, I saw another one. "Ok, two." I thought. I kept looking, and saw more and more. "Where are these ants coming from???" I was getting worried. They could have found a home in my house! I then spotted a trail of ants leading into the living room from the outside. They were building a home! I murdered them all with a nice hefty portion of Raid.

Now, would you say "murdered" is the right word? Yes! I would! Do you know the damage an ant colony can do?? Especially to human skin, like mine, who's with one bite can make the area swell up like a big water balloon. I'm not allergic, but I can get a bad rash. Maybe that is allergic.. I'm not sure.

I went to the bedroom, and was about to set my computer down, when I looked on the bed and they were in there too! I thought I was hyperventilating! I ripped off all my bedspreads, and sheet, and took the pillowcases off and pulled my bed from the window.

Is this over-reacting? NO! What if I had not have seen those? What if I had of laid down to rest, and woke up with ants all over my body?

There was not a small amount. It was pretty large. All wrapped in my bedspreads, and then I threw them in the washer and in the dryer. I drowned them, and burned the remaining to a crisp.

Is this over-reacting?


I like ants, but outside, not inside.

Everything was so wet today. I am suprised the house didn't get flooded. I hate it when I look at the neighbors lawn, and it is like a river over there. I could be next.

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