Monday, July 2, 2007

Happiness in a Box

Oh it was a jovial day today; best in weeks.

Ouch, except right now.. Something bit me, and jeez, it hurts. Worst part about that is, it's on my back. Weird.

Last night, I was watching "Remeber The Titans" until about 4 am. That is one of my records. I have seen that movie before. It is pretty good. I didn't finish it. I forced myself to go to sleep. I had to pay bills the next day.

Speaking of such..
I paid my phone bill today. That might now seem like a giant feat, but I haven't paid it in two months, and they were on the verge of cutting it off. Whew!

I am still going to get that slider.

Great phone. It will really come in handy.

Bobby is acting so crazy right now. He is singing Veggie Tales. Love you Bobby!

Right now, I am also watching Big Medicine. I like that show. It is so.. attention catching! Sorry, I couldn't find a word.

Happiness came in a box today.

SpikeTv announced that they are going to be having a "Kung Fu Week" this week, with a whole bunch of my favorite movies! Today, when I woke up, they had on "Fist of Fury" and I saw the ending of that. I went to go get something to eat, because right after that, "Hero" was coming on. I have to admit that "Hero" was a little confusing to me. It is a Jet Li movie. It was in Chinese first, then they re-made it in English. I do believe it is on again right now, but big medicine is on. Lo Siento!

I also watched "Enter the Dragon" but, of course, I was multi-tasking so bad. I was helping a friend setup MSN on her laptop too. So much! Then things slowed down, and I got to watch it.

I went out to run some errands today; I was sure to stop by Hastings and get another Strawberry Peach Smoothie!

I most likely will repost tonight. This is really early for me.

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