Wednesday, July 11, 2007

What Happened?

Jeez, I overslept my track session today. Dang it.

I had to work though, so I guess that made up for it.

For lunch, we stopped at Taco Loco. Got a Hippo. It just wasn't the same. Their Hippos looked more like "Baby Hippos." It was good none the less.

I have this bad kink in my neck. I am guessing that it is from my terrible sleeping skills. I think I slept last night with my head turned all the way the whole time. Feels like it.

You know what I just thought of? Gymnastics is in 2 days. We haven't had a class in two weeks! I wonder how crappy I will do.

Last night, as you know, I did my hair. Myself.

I am not a stylist or anything, nor do I WANT to be one. I just figured I could save a quick 50 bucks by me doing it by myself. And it worked. Mira:

Don't worry about the weird faces, I do those a lot in pictures for some reason. I decided to dress up a little fancy, and take some photos; I mean, it has been a while since I've done a shoot. That's what I call it when I dress up, or dress someone else up, and we take but loads of pictures. I didn't take but about 8 this time.

Too bad I am not going to put them all up.

You can't really see much of my hair, but the main thing I was focusing on was the bangs; ANYONE who doesn't know what those are, it is the part of you hair where it comes down in the front. Usually it is above you eyebrows, but most of the time (lately) they are past the eyes.

If you look up about two pictures, you can see my piano :) Or at least one of them.

I went to church tonight, and this little four year old came up to me and asked, "What happened to your hair?!" I'm just like.. "How is he asking me that?" Then I said, "IS it ugly?" and then he said no. But still, if a 4 year old notices, I wonder how bad it looked before!

We don't know if we are going to work tomorrow. I am waiting for the call tonight.

YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY: A McDonald's Southern Style Club Sandwich, because I had one today, and it was good! It had gotten a little cold because it took me a while to get home, but it was good! It has swiss cheese on it, and I am not a big fan of all these exotic cheeses and weird musty tasting cheeses, but it was good. Tomatoes were just right.

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