Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The End Is Near


No more sleeping in!

Responsibilities are back, and I have to take care more things.

That means: NO MORE LATE 4 O'CLOCK!

My latest will be 12.

I have to wake up at around 6 every morning, and on some days possibly 4:30 a.m. Track sessions extra early.

I was so tired today, because I tried to do my normal all nighter; what I WASN'T expecting, was for my tooth to hurt! Two lost hours of sleep! So I stayed up, and got only 3 hours.


Try to run off of 3 hours. I was out from 8-5:30, and you can imagine, the first thing I did when I got home was sleep. I woke up at 9 p.m.

And now I am awake, writing in my blog, and possibly the same thing is going to happen. SUCKS.

I was trying my ULTIMATE best to stay awake. I was so tired, I was falling asleep standing up. That is almost as impossible as falling asleep driving with your eyes open. (I've seen that before!)

I was talking about how good my teeth have been, (like they are some kind of human or something) and then it goes and hurts in the night again! Next time I need to pretend I don't notice.

I had to drink coffee this morning. It only held me for 2 hours. I was so TIRED.

I finally figured out how to use japanese print today. The easy way. This is sad, because I have been doing this for what? 9872169257847245706170871981738917324901846318097438179140104103491111287797189234618723418431 years?

I just now figure it out.

Actually, I looked it up on the internet :D


Gosh.. It's harder for me than I thought, but this will definately assist with the learning process. If I see which ones go where and when, My brain just might latch on and figure it out. The only problem now is for people who can't see that text. Their computer doesn't support it. :(

もしもひとつだけ たった一つだけ今どこにいるの今誰といるの? 青い空見上げそっと問いかける。


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