Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Yet, another sleepless night because of that wretched tooth of mine. I went to sleep late, AS USUAL, and woke up merely an hour later with that nasty toothache. I took an Alieve and went back to sleep. I can't stand loosing sleep over this. It is becoming more frequent too.

We planned to have our track session at 6 today, since yesterday, it was so crowded. We ended up leaving at the exact same time we left yesterday. What a waste getting up that early.

No work tomorrow. I just found out it is going to be raining again! Jeez, I hate this. Some people might even me because on some days I work, and on others I don't but I don't like it because you know what no work means.. No money. No tengo dinero ahora mismo. Which is really SAD.

So like you know, I stayed home today, and slept a little bit. I was so tired because I didn't get that much sleep last night. But then again, what's new?

My house is so dirty, and the laundry isn't done. I am going to go do some clothes in a few minutes: that means, washing, folding, drying, and putting away. All those clothes are piling up in my bathroom! I'm telling you, the Summer can make you pretty lazy. Notice I said YOU, and not me, because I am lazy 24/7.

I talked with my friend Peter a long time today. It was so funny because he got an all-over sunburn, and where he is from, they call sunscreen sun-milk.

I thought that was the funniest thing.

He was telling me how he put on his sun milk. It sounds a little funky to me.

In the mist of our conversation, I asked him if he wanted to learn some Spanish. He already knows some, and I thought he would've like to know some more. I ended up giving him a beginner's lesson! I don't think either one of us intended for it to be that long.

Later, I asked him If I could learn some Hungarian. (He's originally from Hungary.) So he taught me some things. I never thought one day I would learn Hungarian! I like it.. it reminds me of Russian, and I have always wanted to learn that for some weird reason.

Here's some Hungarian Pronunciation:

g is always hard as in 'gun', never soft as in 'gem'
r is rolled off the tongue, though not really trilled
t is pronounced with the tongue touching the back of the teeth (dental)

c is pronounced like the ts in 'bats'

cs is the English ch as in 'check'

gy is one sound pronounced like dy, or the d in 'adulation'

j, ly are both pronounced as y like 'yes'

ny is pronounced like the Spanish ñ and like the ni in the English word 'onion'

s Be careful! This is always pronounced like sh as in 'shun' and 'ship'

sz like a regular English s as in 'sell', never pronounced as a z like 'rose'

ty a soft t sound, pronounced much as it looks; say 'at your' fast

zs like the s in 'pleasure'

The letters q, w, x, y are not Hungarian and appear only in foreign words or in some family names. The English sound /j/ as in 'jet' appears in foreign words and is spelled dzs in Hungarian.

Note: Double consonants are pronounced long, like the final and initial /k/ sound in 'book-case'. When a double consonant occurs at the end of a word, try to linger on the sound slightly. With consonants like gy, ny, ty, sz etc. only the first letter of the cluster is doubled (ssz, ggy, etc.)

a hard to describe, but rather like the sound in 'awe' and the British 'hot'

á a very open sound, between the a in 'matter' and the a in (American) 'father'

e the sound in 'set' and 'bed'

é Like the sound in 'way' but with the back of the tongue higher in the mouth

i not quite as short as the sound in 'sit', more like the short ee in 'feet' and 'meet'

í a long ee as in 'feed' and 'bleed'

o like the sound in 'stole' and 'sold'

ó a long o, as in 'rogue' and 'rode'

u a short oo as in 'boot'

ú a long oo as in 'food' and 'cool'

ö as in German ö, say French 'peu' and 'le'

o" a longer version of ö, like German 'schön' (Note: o" really looks like an o with a quotation mark or double acute accent on top, but is represented here with a quote next to it)

ü like German ü and French u as in 'début'. English speakers, round lips as if to say o but say ee

u" a longer version of ü (Note: like o", written with double accent on top, but represented here with a quote next to it)

Wow, I watched that movie "Final Destination 2." I've never seen any of those. They are ok. A little weird I'd say. What's the point of killing off all the characters? Whoops! Did I just say that? My bad. Don't read if you haven't seen it! I think that warning was a little late. Well, that is the only movie I watched today. Surprising isn't it? I know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's me the sun milk guy :)
well, i have to tell you that was
a geat lesson of hungarian
solo x (por) usted
bye bye
chico el loco ;)