Monday, July 9, 2007

Tropical Tango

Ahh, man.

I got up at the usual 6:50, and I lasted all day! That never happens!

I went to sleep at around 1 a.m.

Last night was another one of those nights. Weird toothaches at 4 a.m. You know, I am really getting tired of this. I woke up in the middle of a dream again. This time I was doing Kung Fu. Maybe it was from all those movies I watched last week. Anyway, it is becoming a real bother because they might start to become uncontrollable, and then that is when a doctor/dentist (which ever happens first) gets involved. Remember the heart problems? Yeah.

What were the contents of today?

To tell you the truth I can't remember. Is that bad? Maybe that has something to do with the fact that I didn't get enough sleep as usual.

I did get a nice morning exercise and breakfast like always. HIPPO TIME! Yes, and I remembered the camera this time, so you can see.

I even took a picture of the smoothie, but I was almost finished. It was a "Tropical Tango." It was good, as usual.

I did a little language exploring today. That was only because a friend (Peter) asked me to learn some Hungarian.

Now, Hungarian is little bit far away from what I am used to, but you know me, I am not afraid to take any challenge.

I learned one thing. Ok, I learned and REMEBERED one thing. "Köszönöm" which means Thank you in Hungarian. It is easy to prounouce. "KA" as in "Call" "SZO" is pronounced like the "sa" in "SAW." Then lastly, the "NOM" is the same as in "VietNAM" Simple. Long story short, the O's sond like long a's.

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