Thursday, July 19, 2007

The Godfather.

I can't believe it.

I sat and watched "The Godfather" all day today.

Part Deux.

It took all day seriously.

Almost 5 hours.

I watched it on AMC, and you know it had commercials, but DANG.

4 hours and 30 minutes.

YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY: A Tres Leche Cake. They are so good. I ate one tonight. Well, not a WHOLE ONE, but a slice. Pina. Pineapple. LOVE.

SOO GOOD. Take a look at these layers. Classic. This reminds me, I was watching an episode of "Good Eats," and he was making one of these homemade.

You know what, I wish I could say that I made this homemade, but I would be lying terribly. It came from a store.

OH man, AGAIN. Last night. It was the worst one yet. I woke up at about 5:30 a.m, not because the tooth pain woke me up, but because I had to pee.

My tooth just happened to be hurting in my sleep, so I took the regular action to take care of it. Only. It made it so much worse.. It throbbed, with an excruciating pain. I put the mouthwash on it, and it got worse. Oh how unbareble! You don't understand. It hurt way too bad for words. It made my neck and jaw hurt, and I was so uncomfortable. I couldn't even sit still. I ran to take an Aleve, but they take 20 minutes to work. The pain was heart-stopping. I'm serious. I started crying, it was so bad. I've had a tooth like this before, but I got it fixed. When that last one did the same thing, it was worse. It felt like someone put a nail in my cavity, and started hammering it in. The pain is terrible. When I say I cried, it was because I was frustrated it would not go away. I wanted to sleep, and the pain was so strong, and the medicine was taking it's time to work.

Jeez, I feel so young.

I hope it doesn't do that again. I can't take this anymore.

YouTube. I just uploaded some new songs! Not perfect, but better than the others. Go.

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