Monday, November 14, 2011
I have to say is listen to this jam:
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Has it REALLY been one year since I posted in this thing? And I thought I was busy then?
Wow, wow, wow. What can I say has happened in one year? I don't even know where to begin. Let's just say I'm starting my college applications.
You know, this thing kinda reminds me of a diary--only, the whole world can read it. So I guess you wouldn't consider it a diary... maybe one of those journal kinda things... Blog?
I forgot how to do this stuff. Let's see..
1st half of Senior year almost devoured, still jobless, 18...
Its all good. That countdown that I was talking about a year ago has come and gone. Its pretty exciting.
I have a new cat, his name is Gonzalez, you know because I knew you were wondering.
I suppose I'm not very good at this anymore, I'm just gonna leave this awkward until the next time.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Didn't do much, but it felt good to take it easy. Wow, only 5 more days left in 2008. It was an ok year for me. It brought about a lot of changes and hardships, but they only made me grow. I learned how to juggle my time, and organize my wants and necessities.
A tad bit of coming-of-age too.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
What's not to love?
- Department stores take like 70% off of all stuff that "MUST GO"
- You get to stuff yourself with delicious holiday foods, without feeling COMEPLETLY bad about it..
- People give you free gifts
- And the most important, the family gathers together to enjoy happy holiday merryment together.
Today is Christmas eve, and it feels good just to be alive. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. I know I'm going to stuff my mouth. Enjoy the gifts!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
And it's about time.
I'm glad my birthday is here. I actually think other people were more excited than I was. Would you give your friend a bottle of orange juice for your bday? I got that lol. But I LOVE orange juice so it was awesome.
I suppose I can't complain.. I am seeing my bday. Lots of people can't say that. I'm just happy to be on this side of the grass..
Friday, October 31, 2008
I Can Explain..
I can come up with about 67 reasons why I haven't posted in the last month and a half..
- I'm a growing girl.
- I need my calcium.
- I have sway back.
- I need a car.
- I'm job-hunting.
- I got my license.
- I need a boyfriend.
- I gave physical therapy.
- I'm an inspiring linguist.
- I have 3 cats.
- I am taking Pre-Calculus.
- I'm Rick James.
- I'm broke.
- I found Osama.
- I found Obama.
- I had to go to church.
- I needed to take care of my sick great aunt Myrtle.
- I don't have a great aunt named Myrtle.
- I couldn't find the time.
- I didn't look for it.
- I took imaginary Yoga classes.
- I quit Gymnastics.
- I'm what Willis was talking about.
- I want my baby back ribs.
- I was too busy solving world hunger...
- I baked some cookies.
- I built a turbo jet-pack.
- I told some "Yo-Momma" jokes.
- I was selling Tamales.
- I was organizing a bake sale.
- I was making moles.
- I bought a purse.
- I threatened this guy's life for calling me fat.
- Yes I did.
- I ate some soup.
- I went to Japan..
- I meant Japan, Texas.
I decided to dress up as Michael Jackson for Halloween. - I wanted to dance Thriller.
- I settled for some random dead girl instead.
- I bought a limosuine..
- I can't even spell that.
- I survived Hurricane Ike.
- I bargained for car insurance.
- I had to brush my teeth.
- I need to clip my toe nails.
- I designed a clothing line.
- I met up with some Rodeo Clowns and had some tea
- I'll be Back.
- I had indegestion.
- I killed kenny.
- I started a Dixie Banjo Band.
- I organized an orchestra.
- I had to learn Pig Latin.
- I slapped a Hobo.
- I dissected a cheeseburger.
- I banned Soda.
- I started a riot over re-runs on tv.
- I had to pay for gas.
- I got an average of 4.83 hours a sleep per night for the past month.
- I had to learn my ever so vital Tae Kwan Do skills.
- I am your Father.
- I was sending mail to Hungary.
- I had to re-watch The Godfather.
- I won the lottery.
- I was in Oregon.
- I was out shopping for some shoe laces.
- I was too busy making this list of excuses.
There you go. 67 Reasons why I have been gone. There are more, but I will leave it at that.
Hmm, I haven't watched any movies lately. Nothing good has been coming out. It's weird posting in this blog. I mean I know about a year and a few months ago I was posting in it every single day, but jeez, it so foreign to me now.
Speaking of foreign. In about 11 Days, I am about to give $450 for my current project. I am trying to raise money to go to Costa Rica.. and some other things.
Costa Rica is one of those once in a life time things. I say that because the school is taking a trip there and its like 10 days. Every single thing is paid for all you need is money for souvenirs. I would like to go on this trip. I can decide to back out of or pay the money. Not sure which one I would like to do yet, but I know what I want to do. This is going to be a big deal for me. I'm doing it all by myself. Which means I will have to add a part-time job to my busy schedule. I've been trying to do that all summer already, but it didn't go so well. My life began to get so complicated and time just began to run out. I'm telling you, there just aren't enough hours in a day.
This trip should be great if it isn't I think I'm gonna.. I don't know I will be greatly dissapointed.
But after this trip, the day I get back I am going to be saving up for a special trip. Better than this Costa Rica one by far. This one will have meaning, but I can't say what kind yet.
I'm going to give myself a graduation present. You know most people get big presents from their parents, but my parents are broke, so I'm just going to take care of the job.
I'm going to save for Europe. It should be interesting in itself, but extremely expensive. I believe I can do it. If I succeed with this Costa Rica trip, then I know I will be amazing with Europe.
It's not impossible to save money folks! Just cut back and put things away.
Look who's talking.
I think I am one of the worst compulsive spenders in the universe. Possibly.
One minute I'm all like.. "Oh I have to save money or I'm gonna go broke!" Then the next minute, I'm at Catos buying this season's most fashionable handbag.
Either way I've got to put a tigher grip on myself. Get more edgyyy.
Ahh the Celebrity showdown is in about 3 days. Meanwhile the rest of the country is wondering where the REAL Presidential candidates are.
- Rule Number One - Remember to NOT Appear on SNL for the votes of the greater idiots.
- Rule Number Two - Always think of what you're going to say before you talk.. Right McCain?
- Rule Number Three - Make sure you're Family name isn't Close to the most wanted terrorist in the World.
- Rule Number Four - Don't take your kids out trick or treating and expect to have a normal night.. YOU'RE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!
- Rule Number Five - If you are going to use the fact that you were in the war to gain the love of thousands, at least LIE and say you did something USEFUL!
- Rule Number Six - Don't roll your eyes on national television.
- Rule Number Seven - Make sure you have protection from the people that want to kill you the moment you are inaurgurated.
- Rule Number Eight - Don't go running around naked on the beach. YOU REPRESENT AMERICA FOOL!
- Rule Number Nine - Don't create cheesy and extremely tacky slogans like "NObama," and "MCPAIN" for your campaign
- Rule Number 10 - At least PRETEND to make improvements for America sheesh.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Ike Yikes!
Least we forget.
They played a bunch of memorials and stuff that was so sad they made the rest of us depressed that we survived.
But non-the-less, it was definately one of the most signifigant moments in history.
Some historians say it lasted 106 minutes.
Yesterday was my sister's birthday. 7 years ago on this day we got the news of "My fellow Americans--there was an attack on our nation this morning." It just was ironic that it was on 911. Erriieeee!
Today is also a friend of mine's daughters 1st birthday. Kinda cute.. but sad, considering what day it is.
In the midst of all of this though, the people of Texas have almost forgotten the date, well at least the people close to the Gulf--stupid hurricane. Destorying everything.
My town is under curfew. Can you believe that? some people wanted some ice cream..
We decided not to evacuate. We didn't evacuate for Rita a few years ago. Stupid I guess. I was acutally outside when it hit. Took some pictures too I believe.
I don't know though, I heard this one is supposed to be REALLY bad. IF I die, whoever reads this knows what was on my mind last.
Trapped--we aren't allowed to engage in any activities. All I have is the tv and what's left of my sanity. Not much under the circumstances.
Watched "V for Vendetta" yesterday, then slept for 10 hours. It was good, just too much for me to take in.
All the schools are closed and evacuated. Imagine that, all the teachers gave us homework.
The church is boarded up. The preacher and his wife left waay earlier this week. They were prepared. I guess no church this Sunday.
Planning to go to Costa Rica in June. Pretty expensive although it's going to be worth it I hear. $2,210 dollars? It better be.
I need a job. NO openings though. Hmm, I guess I'm not trying hard enough.
I wasss planning to go to the beach on Saturday but guess I can't now because of the Hurricannee.. Jeez Ike.
Friday, August 22, 2008
So it's been completely over a month since I have last posted in here, and if you want to get technical, it has been:
1 month, 3 days, 7 hours 48 minutes, and .28 seconds since I last posted..
But who's counting?
Kinda upset because I STILL haven't seen 'Dark Knight.' It's kinda annoying because I have to keep telling everyone to shut up about it because not EVERYBODY has seen it yet. Because you know, the other 6.1 billion people in the world have seen it, except me..
The long awaited countdown is complete, and my actual wait is over; sadly I'm still waiting for wheels...
What has happened?
Besides the U.S. of A dominating the Beijing Olympics, and the death of Bernie Mac, there's nothing much to talk about..
SHAWN JOHNSON! She rocked on Beam.
I was watching Pretty Woman today, and it was the most random movie to watch. Oddly
Anyway, it was there meaning it already came out on video and I knew I had just saw the preview for it on some other movie. Maybe it was one of those movies that don't ever go to theatres, they go straight to VHS, and DVD.
Either way it was an ok story the end still gets me, and I was completely fooled by his "Illusion" For some reason I still can't grasp how he did it.
Besides, that guy is a little too old to be locking lips with Jessica Biel. She's like half his age. Maybe not but perhaps she could pass as a niece or something.
Too much rain lately. I think I'm drowning in it.
Well my summer ends on Monday. Back to the horrific halls of.. SCHOOL.
AHH the death of us all. I never thought it would come in the form of homework and scary he-she teachers.
We had our first TASB show yesterday. It was great, and we thought it would all fall apart. People were giving standing ovations :D GRAND!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Positive Reinforcement
I decided to make a post today!
I cant believe that I have gotten so lazy with this blog, seriously last year I wrote at least one a day.
Now it's like.. 1 every few weeks.
Well sorta..
Kinda a month.
But that's my fault. So let's see, what did I miss?
Happy Fourth of July!
Alright now..
Crazy Phelps family?
Who hasn't heard of those guys? They have a flippin' website.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
I learned how to say I love you in Korean!
That's because the other day I finished my second drama, "Loveholic" it was SO GOOD. You won't even believe. I think I like that sappy stuff.
"I'm sorry I love you" was so good too.
AH! I picked up my first Japanesee lesson yesterday, and it was so weird. I didn't understand any of it. It only made me feel bad about forgeting all my hard work. I quickly put it back down.
I decided to watch some movies yesterday, and I ended up watching Surf's Up again. It was cute still. My sister had the movie so I decided to watch it.
Later that day she brought home the The Pianist for me because we were talking about it, and I had said that I had never seen it. So she brought it home.
I know I say that a lot but it had to do with the Holocaust, so you know it had to have been awesome. It doesn't hurt that Adrien Brody is a beef cake either.
It was good. I found the whole pickle can thing hilarious, but the guy was hungry. If you hadn't eaten in months I bet you would be holding on to a can of pickles like that too. I just kept thinking how much luck he had. Not dying and all. He was so lucky. His family wasn't so fortunate though, they were sent off to a concentration camp in uhh--some place that starts with a T.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Today is your birthday! I hope you had a good day and all, and you had fun.
Too bad you were sore! Lol!
Y No te preocupes sobre tu chivo lol!!
I hope la carta llegara pronto.. it's kinda scary I don't know where it is..
Friday, June 27, 2008
How's it Going?
It's Pure Talent I say!
yelef.t from elp class on Vimeo.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Dieting 101 [2]
The Diet is here.
What is a Diet?
- Food Choices
- Exercise
- Dedication
- Success
Reducing intake
-Eat smaller amounts more requently.
-Maybe 3 meals a day won't cut it. Try eating more smaller meals.
-Don't eat so much. It's not good for you now way, and it can also stretch your stomach out. You could get used to eating a lot at one setting. Try to stay with modest proportions.
-Eat slower! Give you digestive system a chance to take it all in. That way it will absorb the nutrients at a steady rate, and can keep you healthy! Also why would you want a bellyache after all that sushi? [Rachel!]
-Dont be naiive like some people and think that 1 meal a day will suffice for you. IT WON'T. You need good food to survive and stay healthy and out of the doctor's office. Don't be fooled, you may not feel hungry, or want to eat anything, but you NEED to. There are vital nutrients and minerals that you can't get from anywhere except in certain foods. They help keep your body immune system strong and ready to fight any sickness that may come your way. ALSO, skipping meals is dangerous to your health and the whole mission of loosing weight. Why would you want your body to store MORE fat? That's exactly what it will do whenever you finally do decide to put something inside of you. It will FIND a way to survive. So it will take fats and store them away for later.
Now here is the hard part:
-Cut back on chips
-Eating after TEN [Sorry Pastel, my family eats late.]
-Fast food is a definate NO
-Major Juices [Make sure to check the Fruit juice concentrations. It's usually in percents. If it contains NO FRUIT JUICE then chances are it's filled with sugar and citric acids. BAD.]
-Pizza [I know this one kills me.]
-DONUTS! [I just commited suicide!]
-ENERGY DRINKS. They don't do anything for you but give you a full blown sugar-rush and a headache for later. NO.
-Alcohol is a definate NO as well. No matter what you say, it's no good, and you should separate yourself from it as much as you can.
-Ice Cream = NO.
-Cut back on the caffine.
Food in General
"What We Can Eat."
-Whole Grains/Wheat breads. [White is fattening believe it or not.]
-Cereals [More specifically: Cheerios. Also good for the heart and cholesterol, Special K, Any type of wheat cereals. The Granola kind. Be sure to steer away from the children's cereals; they are known to be packed with tons of sugar and uneeded calories. The fact that they are children makes it ok for them because they have so much energy anyway, they could work it off in 5 minutes on the playgrounds.]
-Fiber! I read on this box of "FiberOne" brand bars that people who include fiber in their diet loose weight faster and more efficiently than people who don't.
-Those weirdo diet foods you were afraid to try. Be brave, they're not as bad as they seem. They even have sweets, that make it even easier to endulge on once in a while. South Beach Diet and Special K are my favorites.
-Powerades and Gatorade. They're full of minerals.
-Try to avoid whole milks. They are good too, but try soy once in a while. They have lots of flavors.
-Organic foods. Yum!
-Smoothies. Make even the most hated foods taste good.
-Try artificial sweetners like Sweet N' Low Brand. Its a sugar-free and very sweet, way to give flavor to your drinks and foods.
"Do this at least an hour a week. 45 Minutes a day if you're extreme."
You need to exercise to help keep you in shape. It comprises of more than just lifting weights. You need to have cardio as well. That's what "Burns the butter" and helps the muscles show. IN reverse, You need conditioning as well as cardio, when you thin out, you're gonna want some kind of physique, and to be TONED. That's one of the main goals.
-Speed walking
-Gymnatics [ME!]
-Basicly any sport you can get your hands on.
-Stair climbing. [Great for the thighs]
-Lifting Weights
-Floor exercises
No diet is easy. It's better to work off the excess weight than get lypo or something of another. People who work it off tend to keep it off because they have trained themselves to live a healthier lifestyle. It is going to take hard-work and dedication to get it off. Be strong you can do it!
Nothing great ever came over-night. It will take some time. Don't be discouraged. One of the best rewards is having someone come up to you and ask, "Have you lost weight?" Proudly hold you head up and say, "Why yes... Yes I have!"
Don't give in so easily, and when you're having some trouble/cravings at the check-out line [because that is just where they happen to keep all the candy and junk food] try to picture a healthier you and how good you will look in those snazzy new fitted clothes.
When you fail, you are failing yourself. You have to live with the fact that YOU gave up, and only YOU have the power to control YOUR body.
Once you have reached your goal, why not make another? There's no rule that says you can't get in even better shape.
Also, don't let your hard work go to waste. Keep it off, continue the healthy eating, and don't go back to your old ways. You can do it!
Tips and Tricks.
*REMEMBER--Your body counts on this. Set goals and restrictions for yourself, and make sure you reach them every week.
*Remember to record your progress, and reward yourself once in a while for a milestone well passed.
*Drink more water: There's plenty of it, and it is the easier drink you can get to help keep your body replinished.
*Brush your teeth after evey meal--Brushing the teeth helps get rid of the food taste in your mouth, and that mint taste will help kill any arising cravings you might have later. [You know how nasty food can taste right after you have brushed.]
*Avoid snacking while cooking! You might think a little piece won't hurt, but 5 or 6 pieces just might. Try chewing some tasty gum while you are in the process.
*Keep a steady sleep schedule! Believe it or not, another step in staying health is getting a good night's sleep as often as you can. Give your body a chance to relax, and rest itself. The next day you will have more energy and be able to get active! In reverse, too much sleep can sometimes cause you to feel drowsy and lazy, and you're not going to want to do much. Don't be a couch potato!
*Don't be afraid to get down and dirty. SWEAT! It's good for you! Did you know that your body doesn't normally start burning off any calories until 20 minutes of doing exercise? Keep it flowing!
*If you must splurge [Eat bad food] every once in a while, keep it down to 1 every two weeks are less. Don't loose all your progress. Instead of taking one step forward for every step back, take 2 steps forward for every step back, and that way you will always be one step ahead.
NO MORE EXCUSES! THE TIME IS NOW! Are you ready for a better you? What are you waiting for?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
At least that's what I call the little Kick-off camp we are in the process of doing right now. We are outside so much, I'm already looking like coal.
Hmm, I came home and only to be there 45 minutes when my mother came in, "I'm going to Sweeny Hospital."
"You're brother is in there."
Whoops, I didn't think it was a big deal because my mother is known to make a big deal out of nothing. So I knew everything was alright.
WE went over there, and found one of my older brothers [Rod] and this guy that works with them, and then my dad, and my LITTLE brother [Buddy] in there. Hmm, someone called his wife and was like "OMG JOHN IS IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM!!"
She was freaking the heck out.
But it wasn't even serious. It turns out he drove himself to the ER.
He said that he was having severe chest pains and he couldn't even breath. Quote on Quote "It felt like someone was choking me."
He works outside in the heat, and my mom thinks it got to him.
I think it's something else.
But they ran some tests on him, and made him stay in the hosptial overnight.
IN other news. Camp was. Actually. Not that bad. I didn't even break a sweat.
It seems to be getting easier each year. I wonder why.
I'm trying desperately to save my skin. I don't want it to get all blotchy and break out and stuff.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Dieting 101.
Ok, I know FINALLY I am putting this in here.
[Jeez you. You could have put it in YOUR blog you know!]
Ok so, we [I say we as in Cassie, Pastel, and I] are planning to do this little diet thing together this summer. It's not so much as a DIET, but it's a fitness plan; it has rules and boundaries, so we can't break them, or we have to pay the consequences.
So far, with the people that I have told about it, they want to join in too, and maybe if we get this thing off the ground, it can be a widely held thing going around. That would be pretty sweeeeet.
Considering that the many of us, or most of us [sorry Pastel] live in America, or near it, we are considered the fattest country in the world.
Now why is that you ask?
64% of Americans are overweight or obese, and a quarter of those people are obese in general.
That is extremely unhealthy. Speaking of health:
Obesity is becoming the second largest preventable cause of death in America according to two academic studies. A lot has to do with the choice of foods that people eat. Obesity also contributes to diabetes, heart disease and even deaths from the E. coli bacteria, which can be found in the bacteria in fast food meats. - Lissa Eriksson
Saturday, May 31, 2008
English 101
Thursday, May 29, 2008
My English
Your Linguistic Profile: |
70% General American English 10% Dixie 10% Yankee 5% Upper Midwestern 0% Midwestern |
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Day of the Dead
This morning at 11:00 a.m, a member from our church, Nikki passed away.
She has been so sick for the longest time. She was a gentle soul.
Her husband is a widower now, and he's barely even 31.
She was 29.
They never got a chance to have children. Poor girl, she wanted them bad. She loved kids.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Siempre Pude Ver
Yo siempre pude ver
La luz de tu mirar
Eres tan especial
Que me cuesta explicar tanto amor...
Que extraña sensación
Me duele el corazón
Si imagino que tu
Te apareces aquí en mi sillón
Como voy a soñar
Si ni sabes quien soy
Ni conoces mi voz
Que me voy a inventar
Para dejarte ver que yo existo también
Y que estoy tan enamorada de ti
Terca soy
Y que no quede duda
Que siento el cielo al cantar de ti,
Cantarte a ti
Te cuento que aquí estoy
Soñando con tu amor
Se que es tanto decir
Que yo tiemblo al estar frente a ti
Pero tu ni me ves
Ni imaginas que estoy
Invadida de ti
Que detén tu dolor
Y tu voz al hablar que me inquieta la piel
Y que estoy tan enamorada de ti
Terca soy
Y que no quede duda
Que siento el cielo al cantar de ti,
Cantarte a ti
Yo siempre pude ver
La luz de tu mirar
Eres tan especial
Que algún día estaré junto a ti.
It's a miracle!
Last week is over, and my face is clearing up. Haha.
But in sad news, keep "Nikki" in your prayers; she is a woman that goes to our church, and she is on acutal life support, and they are going to take her off tomorrow morning. Hopefully she will be alright. She has been struggling at a chance for life for over 10 years. I believe.
She has some extreme case of rare... uhh something. Either way it's bad, and she's dying as you read this.
Did someone say "SCHLITTERBAHN?"
Yes yes, I went again! That was sunday, but I have to admit that the one in Galveston is SO MUCH BETTER than the acutal one in New Braunfels. Seriously, it might be bigger there, but at least Galveston's rides are FUN.
I almost died on one! JEEBUS!
At first it was fun going down a giant water slide 30 m/ph, but then it started getting faster, and I almost flipped off the edge, and then I turned over, and that's so dangerous, because you land in water, and you don't want to be face down, and then I started freaking out because A. You can't stop, and B. I was flying outta control. Then amazingly I got myself turned around in time to land.. and I sooo landed in the water like a stuffed doll.
To finish it off, I inhaled about a gallon of water.
But my friend Alyssa and I had a nice chat in the pool. We found one. It was good.
Some weirdo kids playing with waterguns and then shot me in the eye...
But other than that, it was good.
Monday, I forced myself to stay home and just.. TAKE IT EASAAAY. Seriously, last week was so crazy. I slept for almost 12 hours on Monday, and it felt goooooood.
I am dying for summer to be here.
WOO SUMMER! [That's "WOO" not "WHOO" Pastel. Got it?]
Gymnastics tonight was bad. I was doing good 2 nights in a row, and then here comes tonight. I sucked baad. Stupid stupid. I mean, I got harped at by my coach for landing on my head!
I had to take some retarded mouse exam today. No worries though, I passed, and I get a certificate that certifies that I know what's what with Microsoft Office 4.0.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Austin, Texas
In other news, we got superior ratings [1's] at the constest WOO! It was amazing; even our director was amazed. He seriously thought we were gonna get a 2.
WE got medals too!
The contest was held at the University of Texas, Austin of course, and that just so happens to be the same college that William is going to be attending in the Fall. Cool!
WE stayed in that buildig all day, and there were people everywhere. It was crazy. From all over Texas! [hmm, maybe it's because this was a State competition] but seriously they were EVERYWHERE on the floor, every corner of the building sleeping and what-not. It was like giant slumber party. Only more formal.
We had to dress up. I think I had my outfit on for a grand total of and hour, and I took it off! Maybe not even an hour.. 45 minutes. We were the first to perform for our judge.
I L.O.V.E Bleu Cheese!
I love its savvory flavors!
This hotel, the "Double Tree" hotel, is I mean, so fancy that, I don't know. I just have never been somewhere like this before. There are rich old people all over the place. I guess we were kinda out of place; they kept giving us the eyes.
We totally went into the ballroom and threw a party.
Seriously, one part of the Hotel looked like the Titanic Dining room. Maybe a low-key version, but it was so fancy.
This girl that was rooming with me jacked a pillow.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The performance at the Clarion was tonight, and it was surpisingly fantastic. I got complements after it was over, and so did the ensemble :D
I'm going crazy because I am still up to my eyeballs in things I have to do.
Not to mention I have to go to bed like right now because I have to be at the school at 4 in the morning tomorrow.
Well, I am glad because we got that retarded project taken care of, I went in and finished the last of the blue-prints. Those people better appreciate me, and we better get an A+ plus on that project, or I'm gonna stab somebody.
We've worked so hard on that thing, it's not even funny.
A little bit of randomness for the day, I'm listening to "O Happy Day" right now.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Concert tonight. It's gonna suck, I can feel it.
We are still preparing for State Solo and Ensemble on Saturday.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I think tomorrow is going to be the easiest of all the days of this week. I don't know why in the world everyone seems to be wanting to have EVERYTHING happen on THIS WEEK for HEAVEN sakes, I'm only one human!
I am seriously loosing it. I mean, I don't even know how much sleep I have gotten. I didn't eat much today. GAAH! I'm loosing it.
This is supposed to be the best time of the year. Education is nearing to an end, and people are graduating and moving on, yet, I think this is one of the worse weeks of this year.
One side of my family is upset with me because I am not going to be able to make it to the family reunion, which hasn't happened in YEARS.
They just so happen to plan it on the weekend of State Solo and Ensemble.
OH MAN. I'm going to be at the capital of Texas--Austin, all weekend, and I am leaving at 4 in the morning on Saturday and coming back 9 p.m on Sunday Night.
Free day on Monday, No school.
I think that's when I will sleep.
I hate this. I really do. I guess a majority of it is my fault for getting into all this stuff, but I think that I'm doing a good job just staying alive.
I guess it helps that 2 of my friends and I aren't getting along very well at the moment.
I bet the emos are having a better time than I am right now.
By the way Schlitterbahn this weekend at State. Let me just let you know, I am NOT going to enjoy it that well. Maybe.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
She Lives!
I made it though my first day with only 3 and a half hours of sleep. :) and I'm still going. I think tomorrow is going to be just as bad, but maybe not because I am going to have a break in the middle of the day.
Today was hectic, stressed out in the morning, and 20239580487252 jillion things to do in the evening. Sometimes I even wonder how I do it.
- Morning Rehearsal 7 a.m.
- Rube Goldberg Project
- Quiz in Math [Not so bad]
- Ensemble Rehearsal
- Culminating Project [Completed]
- Deliver Scholarship Law Essay
- After-School Ensemble Rehearsal
- After-School Regular Rehearsal
- Fish Camp [4:30-6:00]
- RUN to Maserson Park for BBQ
- William's House
- Travel to All American at 7:45
- Return home at 9:45
I know I have work to do right now, but I really just need to go to bed.
I think I'm gonna do that right about now.
I went to All American tonight, and it was the bomb. I did great. Now if only I could keep it up.
I did a lot of independent things despite the pounding headache I had from start to finish of the class. But I think this is the best I have done in a while. ALL OF THAT ON 3 hours of sleep! GO ME!
A Nation Without Walls
Imagine–a nation where there are no boundaries; where one is free to do whatever they please. There are no rules, there are no restrictions, and there are no penalties. To some, this might sound like a nation of pure freedom. To not have cares or worries laid upon them. But to others, this might sound like a chance to do sinister things. I am grateful today that I am in a country, where long ago, there were boundaries, rules, restrictions, AND penalties set. I am proud to be living in the United States of America.
The United States was built on justice and integrity for all that inhabit these lands. Now answer this, what would our nation be without walls? Laws aren’t only there to prohibit us from doing certain acts, but it is also there to protect us, guide us, and even settle our differences. It gives us an unbiased nation of equality as it was promised and signed by 39 delegates in a Virginia Convention over 200 years ago. Our ancestors fought hard and long to bring the very ground that we stand on today to freedom. Once it was liberated, they had to create some sort of system to act as a rock-hard foundation to build this nation upon.
To other nations, America is the land of opportunity. There is a way of life here that is not offered in many other countries around the world. One reason behind this is the fact that every one person in this country is due unalienable rights. Unalienable rights are the divine liberties given unto man by God; they cannot be taken away, or bound. Yet in the past, they have been. The law has resolved many civil disagreements, such as the abolition of slavery, women’s rights, and even segregation. The law has even made way for the people [that’s us] to have some say on how the government runs.
Freedom of speech, religion, protest, press, assembly, expression, and even the right to remain silent, would not be possible if they were not insured and protected by the law. As Henry Ward, a clergyman and abolitionist leader in the 1800's put the argue of libery well: "Liberty is the soul’s right to breathe and, when it cannot take a long breath, it may quickly perish." Where would this nation be if one wasn’t allowed to stand up for what they think is right? Where would we be if the security of having privacy in one’s own home didn’t exist? It is a wonder that a majority of the citizens that reside in the United States do not realize the wonderful significance of these privileges. Which is why law day is a great way to celebrate and honor the liberties of the governed, and to commemorate and continue the purpose of it’s existence.
My personal interpretation of "law" in general would be the complete structure of our society given to us by the government. It is the basis of our nation’s communities and it gives us moral codes to heed and to follow. With these rules and regulations, we are granted the well sought after opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Just incase you're wondering, it is almost 2 am here, and I am up trying desperately to finish my essay for this contest. Wish me luck.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
"Baccalaureate"--Pronounced [back-coo-lor-rie-ette] Must be French.
But it was this celebration for my sister, and I just named this post that because a lot has happened in the past week.
Last Thursday was pretty much one of the greatest days of my life, and I MADE Saturday, my official day of leisure. I rewarded myself for successfully completing the AP exams. OF course, there's no party until the results come in the mail in June, but until then, I'm just going to pretend like I knew what I was doing on that test.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Cinco De Mayo
We didn't really do anything. I was supposed to dress up the traditional dress, but then it was banned so we didn't dress up at all.
We are having a party on Thursday :/
This girl gave me a box of cookies today. It was really random. I bet they had drugs in them or something.
103 Days until the targeted date.
I was invited to this grand ball party at the end of may. Turns out we have to dress fancy. Hmm.. I have a banquet on Saturday!
We gotta dress fancy for that too.
Nothing much to say besides the blisters and William and My split. GRR.