Friday, October 31, 2008

I Can Explain..

I can explain..

I can come up with about 67 reasons why I haven't posted in the last month and a half..
  1. I'm a growing girl.
  2. I need my calcium.
  3. I have sway back.
  4. I need a car.
  5. I'm job-hunting.
  6. I got my license.
  7. I need a boyfriend.
  8. I gave physical therapy.
  9. I'm an inspiring linguist.
  10. I have 3 cats.
  11. I am taking Pre-Calculus.
  12. I'm Rick James.
  13. I'm broke.
  14. I found Osama.
  15. I found Obama.
  16. I had to go to church.
  17. I needed to take care of my sick great aunt Myrtle.
  18. I don't have a great aunt named Myrtle.
  19. I couldn't find the time.
  20. I didn't look for it.
  21. I took imaginary Yoga classes.
  22. I quit Gymnastics.
  23. I'm what Willis was talking about.
  24. I want my baby back ribs.
  25. I was too busy solving world hunger...
  26. I baked some cookies.
  27. I built a turbo jet-pack.
  28. I told some "Yo-Momma" jokes.
  29. I was selling Tamales.
  30. I was organizing a bake sale.
  31. I was making moles.
  32. I bought a purse.
  33. I threatened this guy's life for calling me fat.
  34. Yes I did.
  35. I ate some soup.
  36. I went to Japan..
  37. I meant Japan, Texas.
    I decided to dress up as Michael Jackson for Halloween.
  38. I wanted to dance Thriller.
  39. I settled for some random dead girl instead.
  40. I bought a limosuine..
  41. I can't even spell that.
  42. I survived Hurricane Ike.
  43. I bargained for car insurance.
  44. I had to brush my teeth.
  45. I need to clip my toe nails.
  46. I designed a clothing line.
  47. I met up with some Rodeo Clowns and had some tea
  48. I'll be Back.
  49. I had indegestion.
  50. I killed kenny.
  51. I started a Dixie Banjo Band.
  52. I organized an orchestra.
  53. I had to learn Pig Latin.
  54. I slapped a Hobo.
  55. I dissected a cheeseburger.
  56. I banned Soda.
  57. I started a riot over re-runs on tv.
  58. I had to pay for gas.
  59. I got an average of 4.83 hours a sleep per night for the past month.
  60. I had to learn my ever so vital Tae Kwan Do skills.
  61. I am your Father.
  62. I was sending mail to Hungary.
  63. I had to re-watch The Godfather.
  64. I won the lottery.
  65. I was in Oregon.
  66. I was out shopping for some shoe laces.
  67. I was too busy making this list of excuses.

There you go. 67 Reasons why I have been gone. There are more, but I will leave it at that.

Hmm, I haven't watched any movies lately. Nothing good has been coming out. It's weird posting in this blog. I mean I know about a year and a few months ago I was posting in it every single day, but jeez, it so foreign to me now.

Speaking of foreign. In about 11 Days, I am about to give $450 for my current project. I am trying to raise money to go to Costa Rica.. and some other things.

Costa Rica is one of those once in a life time things. I say that because the school is taking a trip there and its like 10 days. Every single thing is paid for all you need is money for souvenirs. I would like to go on this trip. I can decide to back out of or pay the money. Not sure which one I would like to do yet, but I know what I want to do. This is going to be a big deal for me. I'm doing it all by myself. Which means I will have to add a part-time job to my busy schedule. I've been trying to do that all summer already, but it didn't go so well. My life began to get so complicated and time just began to run out. I'm telling you, there just aren't enough hours in a day.

This trip should be great if it isn't I think I'm gonna.. I don't know I will be greatly dissapointed.

But after this trip, the day I get back I am going to be saving up for a special trip. Better than this Costa Rica one by far. This one will have meaning, but I can't say what kind yet.

I'm going to give myself a graduation present. You know most people get big presents from their parents, but my parents are broke, so I'm just going to take care of the job.

I'm going to save for Europe. It should be interesting in itself, but extremely expensive. I believe I can do it. If I succeed with this Costa Rica trip, then I know I will be amazing with Europe.

It's not impossible to save money folks! Just cut back and put things away.

Look who's talking.

I think I am one of the worst compulsive spenders in the universe. Possibly.

One minute I'm all like.. "Oh I have to save money or I'm gonna go broke!" Then the next minute, I'm at Catos buying this season's most fashionable handbag.

Either way I've got to put a tigher grip on myself. Get more edgyyy.

Ahh the Celebrity showdown is in about 3 days. Meanwhile the rest of the country is wondering where the REAL Presidential candidates are.

Leah's Maritime Rules For Becoming the Next President of the
  • Rule Number One - Remember to NOT Appear on SNL for the votes of the greater idiots.
  • Rule Number Two - Always think of what you're going to say before you talk.. Right McCain?
  • Rule Number Three - Make sure you're Family name isn't Close to the most wanted terrorist in the World.
  • Rule Number Four - Don't take your kids out trick or treating and expect to have a normal night.. YOU'RE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT!
  • Rule Number Five - If you are going to use the fact that you were in the war to gain the love of thousands, at least LIE and say you did something USEFUL!
  • Rule Number Six - Don't roll your eyes on national television.
  • Rule Number Seven - Make sure you have protection from the people that want to kill you the moment you are inaurgurated.
  • Rule Number Eight - Don't go running around naked on the beach. YOU REPRESENT AMERICA FOOL!
  • Rule Number Nine - Don't create cheesy and extremely tacky slogans like "NObama," and "MCPAIN" for your campaign
  • Rule Number 10 - At least PRETEND to make improvements for America sheesh.
SO which one are you? An Elephant or a Donkey? Personally I'm an Elephonkey, but this election, I'm completely and utterly neutral. The candidates don't please me at all. I wonder if that third party could win.
It was an extremely fun night this Halloween was. I got to express my anger through being a makeup artist. There wasn't really much anger but I got to get creative on people's faces. It was fuunnn. A couple of people said I should be a visual effects artist. I was like alright now it wasn't THAT GOOD, lol.. but it was pretty frickin' sweet.

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