Saturday, June 30, 2007
Peaches N Strawberries.
Work was so easy today, but I think it is going to get harder. I did the landscaping today.. Next time I might be assigned to something else. We went from one job to another, and I was getting tired, and more tired as the hours passed.
By 12, I was falling asleep. Not good.
We went to lunch, and I was too tired to even order; when I saw that Shrimp Alfredo, it woke me right up! If you live around my area, you have got to go to the "River Point" resturaunt. The Shimp is off the walls.
After lunch, we headed over to the mall to take care of some business.
I had no idea that they changed it so much! It has carpet now! So weird.
I went home, and relaxed a bit.
I got on MSN, and Chris asks me if I "want to catch a movie tonight." Of course, being the movie lover like I am, I agree, and get ready to head out. We planned to see "1408", but then I proposed "Evan Almighty."
We were supposed to meet there, because he had to drop some of his family memebers off someplace. So I arrive--and wait.
20 minutes pass.
35 minutes pass.
40 minutes pass.
Ok, now it is just 3 minutes before the movie starts.
I see him drive past the movie theatre. Not even looking to stop.
I was getting mad. Not only was I waiting there, I was waiting there by myself. I was about to leave at the 35 mark. Seriously, I was about ------ this close to leaving. Then that's when I saw him drive by. So I knew he was in the premises.
I waited another 10-15 minutes before he dragged in. I was about to explode! He was so late! Then, he tells me that he was waiting on the other side of the mall, the WHOLE time. I couldn't believe it. I guess he forgot to tell me we were supposed to meet there. D'OH!
So we were getting ready to go to buy the tickets when he tells me that "there's one more small problem.."
"I left my wallet at home."
OH COM'ON Chris!
So we decided to take his SUV, and go to his house to get his stuff.
His aunt is home, and she says "Back so soon?"
Well, we explained what happened, and she thinks it is funny. "I think you should still go see it. You only missed 20 minutes of it."
20 minutes that I didn't see!
I can't stand coming into movies late.
So we skipped all together, and just went back and walked around the mall.
The mall was beginning to close, so we went to the Theatre, and he bought a lone ticket for "Evan Almighty" because I had to go home. I was so tired anyways.
Before I went home though, I made a stop at "Hastings" which is an entertainment superstore, with electronics, music, books, lounges, movies, and a cafe shop.
I had a craving for a drink ever since I had gotten to the Theatre.
I ordered a "Peach and Strawberry Smoothie."
Meanwhile, while I was waiting on my order, I went to the 'Foreign Language' section to look at what they had on my two favorite hobbies. A Row of Spanish, and just a little section containing about 6 items, on Japanese.
"With Whipped Cream Ma'am?"
You know? I haven't had whipped cream in so long. I forgot what it tasted like. Oh yeah, Heaven.
I had my camera, I don't know why I didn't take a picture.
Well, just take my word, it is delicious. I recommend that for anyone who has had a day as long and tiring as I had today!
For you!
I am going to put up a new section. As soon as I figure out how to sneak in another HTML only code from BlogSpot. They only allow ONE HTML section so.. We will see.
It will be a quote section:
First one:
"I'm ripe for the picking." -Drim.
That is so cute..! I haven't heard that phrase in so long! Hehe! Thanks for making my day!
Friday, June 29, 2007
All Eyes On Me
It's not that I skipped on purpose, but I was so tired today, and I slept most of it or I was gone. Yes, I did get out of the house. My mind was so occupied today.. a first.
From the beginning:
What a drag.
This morning was.
I get up at 7 o'clock to go to the track, correct?
My partner in crime tells me, at the LAST minute, "I don't feel like doing this today." I was so.. Gaah. "Why couldn't you have told me this BEFORE I got up at 7 this morning??" I mean, wouldn't you be mad if you went to bed at 3 the previous night, and got up on time to meet someone, and they get there an hour later saying "they didn't feeel like it"? You betcha.
Once I am awake, I am awake. I usually can't go back to sleep so soon. I would have to wait 3 or 4 hours later before I am tired.
So I turned on the laptop.
Talked to some really early birds. "Isn't it early for you?" Yes! I knew that. I even went and updated my MSN blog. Which is so lame, you wouldn't believe your eyes.
I finally ended up going to sleep at about I'd say.. 12:36 or so? I was laying down watching "Law and Order" when I drifted of: I woke up numerous times, sure to watch the clock because I knew I had gymnastics tonight.
I was told that if you take a nap before a gym class, you would be so tired and do horrible.
So I got up at 2 something. I quickly realized that I had left my computer on! I had to run back to turn it off. I saw that 4 people had started conversations with me in the past 2 hours on MSN. That bothers me so much. I hate when someone is trying to tell me something or just talk to me, and I am not there. I had left everything on. I was so tired. It was just like I left it.
Man, I had this terrible pain in my armpits today. I know, that is definately a TMI, but it was so severe. I could not figure out what was causing it. Whenever I got home tonight, in the middle of my shower session, I figured out what it was. I did some push-ups yesterday, and I hadn't done them in a long time.. So, my muscles were cryin' about it.
I have to work tomorrow. Yeah, believe it or not. I haven't been out in so long. Except today.
This time last week was when we had the bakesale. Recuerdas?
GYMNASTICS: A blast. As always. Never dissapointing. I did so well tonight. I guess this makes up for last time. No William. Hmm, isn't that suspicous? I really do think he jinxed me.
Anyway, I was doing so good, until the owner of Double "A" (My gym class) came in. All the coaches got kinda quiet, and boy was she bossy! She was telling me what I had to do. A little degrading if you'd ask me. Then, everyone turned towards me, and were watching me.. So much intemidation!! I was doing so well before, but when all eyes were on me, I did terrible. I fumbled. Twice. So embarassing. But my speed in my backflips make up for that. They say I have "power legs."
On the pacman, I did good, but slowly degenerated to bad because my back got tired. I was getting tired for some reason. Maybe it had something to do with the extreme lack of food? Maybe the sleep? Either way, I was loosing energy fast, and one coach asked me "Are you tired?" It was like she read my mind.
Pues, I have to get up before 7 tomorrow. I want to watch my show before I leave.
I just did a yawn!
This might work out after all!
I was so afraid that I would get my days and nights mixed up. Happens to me so much. This early morning stuff is really helping.
I saw some movies today. "Forest Gump", and "Jackie Chan's First Strike". Love, Love, Love him. I don't know how many times I have to say it.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Stale Mozzarella.
I woke up at 8 o'clock, being the NON-morning person that I am, and got ready to go..
I decided to do something for myself. I got up to go to the track. There is one close by, and about 10 minutes away on foot. My hermana came along too. It's better with two. It was kinda tedious because this old man was walking around the track too. He was going faster than we were. I didn't want to push it though.. We had to walk all the way back. We didn't take cars, although, normally, a lazy person like me would. I figured I needed some exercise.
We stopped by some swing-sets in the park, and boy, I tell ya.
I felt like a kid again.
I was swinging really high, and then, I had to slow down, because I was getting kind of dizzy.
Swinging on the playground brought back so many memories to me. Like when I was about 5, I lost my two front teeth by falling out of the swing backwards. See what had happened was, I was going so high, I slipped out the back, and the knock to my head caused so much force, my teeth busted out. Either that, or I fell on my jaw.. I can't exactly remember, but that was close.. I remember being out there alone when it happened, or so it seemed, because nobody came to my aid.
I went inside the daycare, and asked to go to the bathroom, and the caretaker took one looked at me and shuddered. My two front teeth were pushed all the way back into my head and I had blood gushing everywhere. Terrible sight to see. They called my mother right away, and thank goodness she was a nurse.
Oh just talking about that makes my gums tingle. I will never forget that. I lost them both a the same time. How bout that?
Anyway, when I got home, I was so sweaty! You would think just walking would not do that to you, but it is far, and the sun was starting to come out.
You won't believe what I did when I got out of the shower.
I woke up at 3 something, and wondered what had happened.
I am going to do it again tomorrow.
Just now, I downloaded "Phantom of The Opera" music, and I think I got ripped off; I could not find the file after I downloaded it. I was freaking out because it could have turned into a virus, but I did a full system scan and search, and it didn't find anything. I wonder..
Tonight, I went to the church to practice on a full piano with pedal. It was going great until it got extremely hot. I ignored it, until I tried to scoot over on the bench, and my bum was stuck to the bench! It was a wooden bench, and I was stuck to it! That's how hot it was. Needless to say, when I finally got up, there was a full imaged print, of my butt, in the bench. Now when I say "print" you know how when you leave a cold glass of water on finished wood.. it leaved a stained print of the cup? Well. It was that same thing, only in butt form.
I got out of it, and changed chairs. Sure to have gotten a metal one that time.
After I left, I was eating a Mozzarella Cheese stick, and when I peeled a piece off of it.. YuCK! It tasted like rubber, and had an icky smell to it. Gross. It was stale, and there went a good 33 cents.
OH! I just remembered! I have gymnastics tomorrow! Wow.. that came quick. It feels like I just went. Remember? That was the post I called "Twister."
I need to call it a day. Tomorrow I have to get up early to beat the old man!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I also printed the last pages of "Wind of Life," I can tell that is going to be a challenge.
Today I got active, and did some workouts; that is definately a first for me. I am on this plan right now, and I have been skipping out. Why am I doing this to myself? I want abs, don't I? I would show you my progress, but I don't want to blind any children.
I did some Pilates, and flips today. Only simple flips because I was doing them inside my house.

Yeah, that was a long time ago, about a month or so. I can still do that of course; it is one of our required warm-ups in gymnastics.
I have to admit I am addicted to adding pictures now. Once I saw how well you could enhance your blog by adding a simple picture, I was all over that. Especially adding the food. It makes it look kind of professional.
You know what, I actually was looking into photography as one of my professions. I can take some mean modeling shots and portraits. Just ask Josephine.
This one is not as good as some of my others, but it is ok. I have some that we took at my house with my web camera.
For a while there, it became one of my passions; but schooling got in the way, and until I was finished, I couldn't do too much.
We do believe, this is among the best pictures I have taken. This is her favorite, because, don't mind the green, she looks a lot like a celebrity. Say, Jessica Alba?
On a failed attempt to remake the above that second picture, we came up with this: Not so bad on it's own, and creative touch with the focus of the eyes.
You should see all the photos I have taken with my cat. His name was Fatboy, and he is gone now. It brings tears to my eyes sometimes to even think of him. He didn't die or anything, there was just a lot of competition in the neighborhood, and another TomCat ran him away. I loved him so much. He was my baby. I had him since he was able to eat big kitty food. He was seperated from his mother in my move from little little town to just little town. He kind of took on me as a mother I guess. He would cry when I wasn't around. When he was born, he was born with some kind of birth-defect: His ribs were crushed, and his little joints in his legs were twisted and backwards.. meaning, his legs bent the opposite way. We prayed so hard for him and his sister. Amazingly, they both got better, but shortly after, his sister died from malnutrition. She wasn't under-fed or anything.. Something must have went wrong when she was born, and caused long-term effects to her immune system. She slowly starved to death.
But anyway, he was such a great cat, and I loved him so much. He used to fall asleep right beside me in my bed. I could let him stay in the house for hours, and he wouldn't have a single accident. He didn't have hardly any fleas, and he never scratched. I miss him.
Fatboy was very photogenic too. You should see some of the photos we took.
This is just the half of it.
There was this new gray female cat that just showed up on the doorstep one day. She is pretty cute.
Until she had kittens.
But thankfully for her, they are cute as well.
I snuck some photos of them too, seeing as though they will not let me touch them..
Poor Baby
I remember watching him on SpikeTv eating away at over 100 hotdogs. He is the Nathan's Famous Frankfurter Hotdog eating contest Champion in Coney Island, New York, 6 times in a row. This year would have been his seventh, if he hadn't of been diagnosed with JAW arthiritis.
That is so depressing. He is so young. You would think nothing would come of him just scarfing down pounds and pound of bread, meat, and calories at a heartstopping rate, not to mention it will all just go to his thighs. Or maybe that goes for just the rest of us human beings and not aliens like him. He is, or I should say, was so skinny!
He was like walking stilts!
Now.. he looks like Buffy McBuff-Buff, with his killer abs, and machine biceps. You should see the before and after photos! I wish I could get that ripped from sitting around and eating all the time. I would already be the next Arnold!
That is just amazing. I was checking my Yahoo mail, when I randomly came across that article about his jaw. AWESOME. He must have been working out or something, because he was not that buff a few years ago when I saw him.
Just look at that jaw power! He didn't even chew! He swallowed it whole like a man.
You know what.. He started a campaign for people in Japan to accept that kind of entertainment, and to start having them more often over there. It was becoming more and more popular, until some stupid little kid choked to death trying to copy at a school lunch table.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Kiss of the Dragon
I did manage to advance to the 6th page of "Only Human" though.
Can you believe this?? I mean.. I only have 2 more lines!! I have been working on this piece for almost 3 months! It is the fastest I have ever completed one! I didn't really want to sit at the piano and play, but I felt I needed to get that out of the way so I could move on to other things.
I cooked some weird sausages tonight. Swedish. The way I cooked and prepared them was really neat. I think. It had a little oriental kick to it..
Not bad actually.
I saw this movie about 3 times, and today was the first time I fully watched it. You know me, I love me some action-packed kick butt movies, but I saw some stuff in there.. Jeez. They don't hold back! This one guy gets ripped in half by a flamming laundry shoot, another gets his neck cracked in half by a full body-slam, and another gets chopsticks shoved through his neck. OH! And I can't forget the best of them all.. At the end, the ****** not going to say, because "You might not have seen it yet" drowns in their own blood, by it all rushing to their head.. and staying there.
You know, Jackie Chan made a cartoon show about himself. Now THAT'S rich. I have to admit though.. I liked it. :D
Monday, June 25, 2007
I guess it is worth it. I just hope they respond to me before it is too late. It said something about being on file for 1 year, and in testing or something like that for 60 days.. They better hurry up, because I have stuff to do, and I won't be able to sit around forever. In July, I am going to be so busy. You just wait.
This one is extra short. It doesn't even have a pagebar yet. Cool.
Yet Another
I do have some good news though.
I did it! I made pancakes. I am a mediocore cook. I have not taken any classes anywhere, anytime, ever, and I can cook a whole iroiro (variety) of things. Baking is my specialty. Yet when it comes to the simplest things. Like, PANCAKES, I am a failure.
Except for today.
I made some, and I ate them, and they didn't taste like biscuits like all the other times. Is that incredulous or what? Well, I was falling apart for a few minutes, because about halfway though the cooking, I realized we didn't have any milk, but I substituted well. I could NOT believe I pulled it off. I mean, look at that. My personal best EVA!
Yes, they might not be perfect, but they were good! You'd be suprised at the flavor you get when you add in a couple of tablespoons of Maple Syrup.
I moved to page 5 on "Only Human." I am so happy. I am doing good. I pushed a little today, because I wanted to get to this certain part in the song, but.. you know how that ends up. Mess. I had to go back and relearn most of it, because I had forgotten it as I progressed, but I am almost done!!! One more page, then I will upload it for all to see. You know, if it is good or anything. I can never promise that.
Now I need to jump into "Waltz of Chihiro;" I only learned two lines of left with that one. I need to pick it up. It is so easy, yet my eye-coordination is so off. Pitiful.
I didn't jump into anything else yet, I am about to go fill out an application. I should do that right now.
I watched "The Pacifier" today. Love, Love, Love that movie. Today was my fourth time to watch it, and it never gets old. Great movie. Not to mention that beefcake Vin Diesel.
Oh yes! I finally updated my music. I put the actual music from "Only Human" on here! The piano part is what I play, but you can't hear it that well.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
我的名字是 Leah
"Oh Leah! You know Chinese too!? You are just amazing!"
I know.
However, I do not know Chinese. I have a buddy that is trying desprately to teach me, but he did get a little successful today.
"Ni Hao" Means Hello. I already knew that though. He was in awe. He thinks I am just so smart. Lol.
Wo de ming zi shi..
My name is..
Ni jiao shen mo ming zi?
What is your name?
I always thought it was hard. I guess it is not. I think it is just the pronounciation. The sentence structure doesn't look that complicated. That is the thing with me and languages. I can read it sure, but I just need to know how to pronounce it. I could go 5 years learning a language, and end up pronouncing everything wrong. There would be no use for it. I asked Lee what was the pronounciation for the letters. He told me "A" like in "Bus". Weird, I know, but Chinese is a funky little language. I think that along with French go hand in hand.
I just so happened to learn a little bit more French today, only this time, it is more in depth:
Bonjour - Hello. Traditional Phrase. Used in America as well as Disney's Beauty and The Beast.
Pronounciation: Like BOWL without the "L". PLUS SHORE.
Comment t'appelles-tu? - What is your name? One of the very first French phrases I learned.
Pronounciation: Como (Like in Spanish) PLUS the "TA" in "TOT" PLUS "Pale" PLUS "TOO" from "tooth."
Je m'appelle.. - My name is.. Great way to trick people into thinking you speak French.
Pronounciation: A combined J+Z+E sound PLUS "MA" in "MOP" PLUS "PALE" again.
Et Toi? - And You? Was so easy to learn because it looks a lot like the Spanish "Y Tu?" They both mean the same thing. Things like that make this job so easy.
Pronounciation: E like in "E.T" PLUS "Too" like in "tooth" again PLUS "A" in "TOT"
I learned a smidget more, but I don't feel like putting the rest. I did a lot more today than that.
I got a complement on my piano playing tonight. I play for my church, and I have been playing there for a few months now. I am suprised someone said anything. I mean, yeah, I am an ok player. I am not perfect or anything. I play by music better than I do by ear, AND I have good days, and bad days, but I guess this was a good day, because they were really REALLY impressed.
"Wind of Life" is coming along. I have had it for over a year, and I just started playing it less than a month ago, and now.. I am almost to the third page. Not bad for a person who is learning 4 songs at one time, and who taught themselves how to play piano.
Yeah that's right, I taught myself. My mother took piano classes when she was younger, but at the time when I wanted to learn when I was younger, she didn't feel like teaching me. I see where I got my laziness from!
So I took this cheap $50 keyboard we bought off of some old couple, and taught myself, starting with "Middle C."
Afterwards, I hunted down some easy sheet music for me to read, and gradually I went from simple C chords to more complex items like I don't know.. Bethoveen? Pachelbel?
I am currently working on "Only Human" by K, "Waltz of Chihiro" by Joe Hisaishi, "Wind Forest" by Joe Hisaishi, and "Wind of Life" by Joe Hisaishi. You can find all of these samples at, or go listen to my first internet attempt at playing on my Personal YouTube
All are amazing pieces, and I hope I learn them soon!
If you have any specific pieces you would like to hear played, by me, don't be shy to ask! You can send me copies, or just send me a name of what you would like to hear played.
I just got another complement on my blog. "I love your blog! It is a great way to express yourself!"
Thanks, I know.
OH! There is some new music for my page in the making. I know you probably DON'T like what I have now, and there is a pretty good chance you are not going to like what I put up. Lol. This stuff is MY music. It's not like it will make your ears bleed or anything.
It is so late here. I have been doing this for over 2 hours. I quit and chatted for a while, but now I am back, and trying to fix things; I need to do so much, like fix my counter at the bottom of the page, change the song, and ningun otra cosas.
I also did some spanish today. I haven't practiced spanish in so long; Japanese has been stingey with all my time, so I haven't been able to do the other one. I had a bit of conversation in spanish today. It made me remember how much I still had left to go! But I managed. She didn't speak too quickly. Right now I am on ClassZone practicing my spanish. Free lessons if anyone wants to go!
I think they also have French, and German. I don't do German. Their spelling is Crazeh.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Blue Hawaii
It all started back about.. I don't know, 4 years ago, when he first came out. It was a Sprite commerical as a matter of fact. He had long hair and a scraggley look. I saw that commercial and fell in love with the song. It was so catchy, and his voice was so brilliant. I loved it. I looked for it EVERYWHERE for years, and, I guess, that was before he ever got some exposure, because I didn't find anything. All the searches came up negative.
So after so many tries, I just quit. I have always loved it, and I never got a chance to find out who sang that song--until tonight.
I had just got done watching The Matrix Reloaded on TNT, when I switched the channel to MTV, on accident, I square, and heard that very same song, LIVE, that I had been looking for years ago. ROBIN THICKE Singer/songwriter was performing live on MTV. I NEVER intentionally turn to MTV. Yeah of course I watch that channel, but I never turn to it just because. I always flip past it, or on it while channel surfing. I could not believe the luck. I opened my laptop and looked up the song.. and FINALLY found it! I added it to my Vlog, if you want to see it for yourself.
But yes, "When I get you alone" was such a great song then and now. I listened to it and had memories of seeing that commercial. It was great.
My tongue had turned a bold Blue today. It was from one of my favorite snowcone flavors. You know I just love those babies. That picture, to you upper right, is of me eating one. That flavor was a Tidal Wave though. Blue Hawaii, Watermelon, Bahama Mamma, and Blackberry are among my top. I have not tried all of them yet, but a lot of them I have. Just a warning: Don't eat the Dora The Explorer. Don't worry, I didn't eat one either. I tried it, and it was so sweet, I thought my face was going to rot off. I could tell that was a child's flavor. Sheesh.
Lazy, Lazy, Lazy. Today has got to be one of my most laziest days yet. All I did was watch movies and lay around all day. I can't believe I did it, but it's not suprising I did.
I really need to clean tonight. No joke. One of my brothers is coming over for lunch tomorrow. This house is an eye sore. I really need to do something. But the couch is calling me!!!
The Movies that I watched were some oldies: Dennis the Menace, Matilda, The Pacifier, The Chronicals of Riddick, Matrix Reloaded, but I left in the middle of that to MTV, and The Perfect Storm. I watched another one before Perfect Storm, but I can't remember what it was. Shoot.
Ok, My back is hurting from slumping over in this bed typing like this. SOO, I am going to get active. Like roll outta bed.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Bake Sale: Went Great. We raised a total of around $340 dollars. That is pretty good considering that I only made a batch of cookies. A couple of other people did most of the work. I felt so lazy. One person had made 3 Large marble cakes, a but-load of cookies, brownies, cinnamon bread, and banana bread. All I made was the cookies. I felt bad. But they sold! Most of it sold pretty fast. You know how when there is just a smidget left, they never sell? Well that is exactly what happened! Then this Angel from Heaven, no joke, came and asked us if the last things on our table was all we had, and she bought them all!!! We were so exhausted! We were there from 9-3pm. That is a long time considering I don't do mornings. I got up at 7 too. I had to make a sign.
Meanwhile, while we were there, there were some funky looking people walking up in there. We laughed at so many people, but not out loud, you know. Just some people that gave us bad looks. There was this one guy who looked like he stuffed himself in his clothes. He looked a fright. He had on some BOOTY tight (Now when I say booty, I mean it; he was trying to pull of some daisy dukes, that wasn't and DIDN'T cut it.) short shorts with a sleeveless tank top, and sunshades and flip-flops. We were laughing so hard.
Then, this one lady came in there looking like a reject from the Malibu Barbie Club. She was looking a hot mess, no wait, she WAS the mess. She had some pig-tails, and a mini skirt that if she bent down she would have blinded us all. She was not exactly that little either. I was wondering if she noticed what that looked like. She had a tubetop on with all her business showing, BRIGHT PINK, can't miss. She wanted to make sure she caught our eyes.
I was mad because I thought I didn't remember to bring my camera to take beautiful memorable pictures, and then I got home and found the camera at the bottom of my bag. I was so mad.
LOL. Right now I am talking with a friend about that movie, "The Hills Have Eyes" and we were just talking about how gross it was. That guy with the huge head; he was in the wheel-chair. He looked FUGLY. It is so funny, I love Chris. He is hilarious. Haha!
Well this one is a little short, but my pinky is going numb, and since I type all professional now, I can't go without it, so I am just going to leave. Maybe tomorrow I will have a whole lot more energy!
Thursday, June 21, 2007
I got 5 dozen outta my cookies today. Pretty nice I'd say. The very first one I burnt. I kept them in there a minute longer. Just a MINUTE, and they burned. Stupid cookies. I guess it is the luck.
Gymnastics tomorrow. Better do good. I have a lot to do tomorrow actually. It is going to be pretty busy with the sale, and then I have to go to LJ for All American. What a day.
I didn't eat too much today. I think that is because all the oatmeal again. Jeez. I ate so much of it, I got a belly-ache. I couldn't eat anything else! I'm suprised I didn't turn into oatmeal. I made the dough, and since it is whipped, you have to put it in the daidokoro for an hour. In the meantime, I was watching the "Majestic" as I was cooking. I came in about 20 minutes into the movie. I didn't know how much I missed, but I had never seen this one, and being a movie lover like I am, I couldn't pass it up. I came in on the part where he was laying on the beach, and some wrinkly old guy finds him, and starts poking at him. I don't know how many commas I just used in that sentence. Anyway, it was a good movie I suppose, one of Jim Carrey's few serious roles. I know right?! Serious. Jim Carrey. It is impossible to put those two words in the same sentence; I had to put periods! But yes, it was pretty intense. He even cried when there was a death in the movie. I am not going to say who, because you might have not seen it yet!
I am not sure how long this one is going to be. I need to go sleepy bye soon. You know my bad morning skills. Terrible I say.
I got all physical tonight, and tried to fix this old broken piano, so I could play on it. It took me approximately 20 minutes to examine, and figure out what EXACTLY was wrong: The piano was terribly out of tune. (Took me .5 seconds to figure that one out) A few keys were broken, and some were jammed. I started searching around in it to see if I could fix the tuning problem; I saw them fix an out of tune piano in the Majestic. :) I examined the keys on the inside for any suspicious happenings. The broken ones appeared to be just like the normal ones. I got on the floor, may I remind you, that I have never attempted to fix a piano before, or ever been in any such situation where I had to learn how, and looked under for a closer look. Everything appeared fine.
I was on edge trying to figure out what was wrong. Then I spotted it. I moved back the built in Piano cover, and saw chipped and cracked keys! Just what I was looking for. I scrounged up some masking tape, two scissors, and a good helping of elbow grease for the job. Long story short, I failed, but that didn't keep me from playing "Wind of Life" by Joe Hisashi!
Time to make my leave, but tomorrow is a new day.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Bake Sale!
I hope they like oatmeal as much as I do.
I figured out this new breakfast you can make. Cook oatmeal with honey and butter, and it is so good. You'd be suprised.
Today, I kept getting followed around by a four year old. I kept telling him to go play with his mom or something, but I guess he liked me or something. He kept saying, "Watch this! Watch this! Watch this!" I was about to explode. So annoying. I suppose I was a four year old once.
I cleaned the house a little bit today; it is still messy as ever, but I picked up a few clothes, then went and ate some pizza. Haha.
I really need to pay my phone bill. I haven't paid it in almost two months. They keep sending me "friendly" threats telling me that I need to pay it, or they are going to shut down my service. I don't know what I would do without my cellphone. Live, I guess. I turned it on today and it took it four times to turn on. I had forgotten all about it, and the battery had run down while it was rotting away in my purse. That is so sad! I never talk on it anymore, so I just forget about it. I miss using it, and listening to my "IF you're not the one" ringtone along with "Labios Compartidos." Those were the greatest.
Actually, I was thinking about getting a new phone. It is from the same company of course, so I could keep the same number. I just need to get off my butt and go make some moneys. It is pretty cheap considering, and it has an Mp3 player on it. Great for those long awkward rides in somone else's car. IT is a slider, and it is black. I want it, but first I think I need to pay my FIRST bill!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
The Usual.
I made Oatmeal cookies tonight. They were so good. There are actually some left. I made four dozen. I had this weird craving for something oatmeal today, so I got on the internet and looked up some recipes. I found a bunch, but one just stuck out. I don't like raisins in my oatmeal cookies, so this one was it. "Soft Oatmeal Cookies" I put the recipe on word then printed it out for later.
Meanwhile, a friend of mine called and told me that his mother had a heart-attack. That is so depressing. It was from an allergic reaction to some medicines the doctors gave her.
A premire episode of one of my favorite shows came on tonight. I missed it because I was online at; great site.
In my last post, the one in Spanish, I talked about me pulling some muscles in my leg. Well, the pain is gone a little, put it is still there. I am guessing that by Friday when I really need to use it, that it will be mostly healed. I conducted the idea that it was my joint in socket that was hurting so bad. That idea wasn't that hard to come by seeing that every way I move it, it throbs with pain.
I know what you are thinking. This post is not that interesting. Some of the other ones are way better. Well if it makes you feel any better, I cleaned out the refridgerator this morning. There was a bunch of moldy carrots in there.
I guess you can tell that I am out of work right now. I got started in this lawn service a few weeks back, but they never sent me in for work. This job is the kind where they call you when there are customers for the type of work you do. I was hired to plant flowers and trees, and hedges. Simple stuff, but for a lot of money.
A friend of mine was telling me today about a job at a local supermarket. You know, I have never worked at a supermarket, but I would give it a try. It pays pretty good for the job that I would have. I just don't know the hours yet. Work.
I have about 14 cavities in my mouth, no joke. It's not that I eat a bunch of sweets or anything, it is just that I have weak teeth, and I just don't go to the dentist enough. I think my worst cavity has a mind of it's own. It only hurts when I am trying to go to sleep, and it throbs when I am in the middle of a dream. I later figured out though that it only hurts when I sleep because, when there is pressure applied to the tooth from the jaw by me laying on it, the blood rushes to the area and causes it tremendous pain. Me and pain. All the time. It never ends.
A few days ago, I was having this dream that I was jumping around on teeth, and showing someone how to do it properly. Now these were big teeth, about the size of a car or something. I guess jumping on teeth was some kind of sport, but anyways. We were jumping around on them then all of a sudden black holes were forming, then it started to hurt to jump on them. My apprentice then asked "Is it supposed to hurt to do this?" Then I answered no. We kept jumping and the pain just kept getting worse and worse and worse. I woke up and the pain wasn't just in my dreams, it was ultimately real, so I went to the bathroom to give my perlies another bath of mouthwash and toothpaste. I then sat up on one of the couches, and stayed awake a bit, as the pain slowly went away. Notice when I am awake, it didn't hurt. Well, I went back to sleep later, and tried to go to sleep not laying on the injured side, and it worked perfectly.
Now it is hot in my house. I need to turn on some air.
That's better.
I still need some ideas for my YouTube. My latest is still the piano practice. I like it, but I didn't notice how dark it is. No way to make it lighter though.
We are going to have a bake-sale in a week. You all should come down and buy something. Since my recent oatmeal cookies were a smash, I think I want to make some of those. YUM! Maybe even some of my other favorites like snicker-doodles or peanut butter fudge!
Pues, my eyelids are getting pretty weighed down, so I am going to leave. I suppose I should go to bed, but not to forget to sleep AND wake up on the right side.
Monday, June 18, 2007
En Duele.
Hoy era bien. No madruge el noche. Comí avena y miel. Miré la television hoy. "Traendo un bebe a la casa". Me gusta el programme. Me gusta mirar a los ninos. Son bello! Entonces prendí la computadora. Quise verificar mi correo electrónico. Tuve algún nuevo correo. Yo entonces me monté YouTube. Miré unos pocos videos.
Como decía más temprano, estoy en el dolor. Es la pierna. Tiré algo mientras yo me sentaba en el piso, y en duelo realmente. Hacía yoga más tarde, y fui aún duro para mí hacerlo. ¡Soy bueno en Yoga también! Duele en este momento, pero necesito hacer este poste. Duele sentarse verticalmente.
Bien, yo casi soy hecho. Pienso que esto es el poste más largo que he hecho jamás en español. Espero que usted personas lo puedan leer. ¡Toma mucho esfuerzo de resolver este material!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
How Depressing.
This weekend, was great. I spent it with a couple of friends, and we did a bunch of silly things. Too bad I didn't take some good pictures. Sorry!
I watched a bunch of movies with them: Pirates of the Caribbean 3, The Hills Have Eyes (1), The Cave, White Girls, and Black Diamond, but while that one was on, I was too busy playing Uno Attack™. From what I saw, it looked pretty depressing, and gorey. Just the way I like it.
I always have loved to watch movies. I don't know what it is about that, I just do. Like the Nike commercials say.. "Just do it" I think it is my desire to learn. You can learn great things from film believe it or not, and all the while it is corrupting your mind into oblivion. When I was a little girl, I remember learning how fog was formed by watching "Home Improvement." I have never forgotten that. I guess being a couch potato isn't so bad after all!
I am suprised I didn't catch a cold; it was raining today, and we were walking outside in the rain. So much fun can come out of that.
PIRATES III was good. I saw my husband on screen. There is not much I can say about it without ruining it. What I CAN say though is that it was good, yet extremely long. Approximately 3 hours. It was good though, and at first, I admit, it was a little slow, but then it picked up when all the plot was set. Make sure you go to a good quality movie theatre too, because I think I missed some important stuff in it because the sound was a little off in the beginning, and I could barely hear their words, and in the middle, the screen kept going black. That was probably because of the movie projector; the movie was so long, the battery was running out!
FRIDAY'S GYMNASTICS session was really good. I accomplished a faster flip-flop, along with better reasoning for that annoying arch in my upper back. That arch is hereditary, and I got it from my mom's side. It is a good thing sometimes when it comes to Yoga, and all those other contortionist type things, but when doing backflips, it makes it harder to bring myself over, so I had to add a trick in. One of my coaches noticed that bothersome arch and she told me a way to avoid landing wrong because of it. When I was visiting, I tried to straight flip but I chickened out. I later ended up doing it, but it was more of a twist than a flip. Weird huh?
Friday, June 15, 2007
It Begins!
I had this strange dream about Tiny Toons, and we were driving down a hill, and they said, "Look, its 3:28 pm, time for her to wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up.." So I woke up, and it was only 12:51. I want this day to pass by fast, but it is taking it's sweet time!
Oh Great. It's raining.
Maybe this is a sign. Maybe I was not meant to do anything fun today, or tomorrow, or the rest of my life. Just because you grow up doesn't mean you can't have any fun.
I am so glad my blog is coming along good. I usually make one and forget about it. Lately I've been more active. A big leap for mankind.
My hermana is about the only one who comes to read these. Sad huh? I know. I need a little exposure. What do I expect though? I just created this earlier this week. Unless I'm a celebrity or Paris Hilton, then this is not going anywhere. I need some ways. Any Ideas anyone? Oh yeah, it's like I'm talking to myself.
Last Night I made these delightful chocolate cheesecake brownies; the sad part about it is, that they're all gone. What a short-lived life for such a wonderful, DELICIOUS, thing. *sniff
Ayer, the sunset was kinda beautiful. I took a picture of me looking into it slowly and unknowingly going blind. But it was nice.
Yessiree, it was pretty.
Woo! The rain stopped! There might be hope for me yet! I need to go celebrate.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Man that was weird...
It was in Hindi. It was a complete and utter accident. I was going crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with my blog. I just got it!
It turned out that the transcription setting was on, and I had just previously set that on because I thought when it said "other languages" I thought they meant other languages could read it, not it go into other languages. But none-the-less, still cool.
Acabamos de venir a la casa del iglesia para mi mami's clase de A.C.T.S. Fuera aburrido porque tuve nada por hace.
I just put that last part in Spanish because I wanted to. :) Smiles.
Tomorrow I have gymnastics, and I need to work really hard; I have a goal to reach by the end of the summer; to raise my level.
सो नोव ठाट ई ऍम तल्किंग इन येत अनोठेर लंगुअगे, मिघ्त अस वेल्ल कीप थिस गोइंग। ई डॉन'त उन्देर्स्तंद वहत इन थे वर्ल्ड ई ऍम टैपिंग। ई होप इत'एस कोर्रेच्त। सोर्र्य अरबिच्स! इत'एस नॉट मय फूलत। इट्स फुन्न्य थौघ, व्हें ई वेंत तो थे सेत्तिन्ग्स, इत वास अल्रेअडी सेट इन अरबिक, ऎंड थें ई अच्तुअल्ल्य पुट इत इन इंग्लिश, ऎंड थें इत डेस थिस। हाउ इरोनिक। ई वोंदेर इफ थिस इस राईट, ऑफ़ वेट, ई अल्रेअडी सैद ठाट।
थिस इस क्रेज्य। ई ऍम गोइंग तो कुइत नोव। ई कांत तके अल ठेस स्कुइग्ग्ल्य लिनेस!
Kyo Wa.
Dareka wa ryori shimashita. Watashi wa daidokoro ni kitta; mitai dashite.
Okaa-saan! Honto ni hayai o-hiru ryori shimashiteru.
Heya ni kaerimashita, soshite, mata neta. Watashi ga yasumitai!
Saa, Rongu-tachi wa sukanai jikan dekakeru. Okaa-san wa Mokuyobi ni zutto clasu ni oshieru. Piano o hita, watashi wa kimasu. Itsuka, computaa mo motte kuru. Intaanetto wa itsuka watashi to issho ni kimasen. Watashi no Nihongo honto ni yoi arimasen, demo, motto ii nateru.
Ja ne!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
La Fiesta!
My bank account was locked today.
Someone kept trying to get in, and I'm hoping they failed. It said that my account was locked temporarily. Just think what would have happened if they got in?
I am in a funky mood right now. I think it is because I am quad-tasking; doing four things at once now. I do this all the time. I can go all the way up to ten now.
If you look, at the bottom of this page is a little music player. I am guessing that you already knew that, considering that it plays instantly when you come in. It is just a few songs. Most of the from K, and one from V6. You probably won't understand it either. One song I don't understand is on there too, it is in Korean. Don't speak that no way no how..
Spongebob is on. He is so cute with his little Speedo®.
That Darn Phantom!
Yes, it was a delight, and I just wish I could remember the words to both the songs "Think of Me" and "The Point of No Return". Both stunning pieces.
This whole movie experience would have been even more delightful if people wouldn't have kept on interrupting me. Jeez. Every five seconds, SOMETHING came up. All day nobody could seem to pick up the phone and dial my number, or come over, or anything. But the ONE time I am actually doing something, EVERYONE seems to find my number. Sheesh.
This is my second blog for today. I do wish it could be a tad bit longer, but I must bid farewell. I need to sleep. That's always nice on the eyes. Speaking of eyes, righty has been acting ugly ALL day. It keeps itching, and burning. I think I must have an allergic reaction to something in my house, but this non-stop itching is repulsive. It is really becoming a bother.
If you don't want to get the movie ruined for you don't read this point on:
Alrighty, at the end of the movie, the Phantom is revealed, and when I say revealed, I mean it. He looked like someone took a dump on his face. Thank goodness it is just a movie. Poor guy. Then he goes all psycho and tries to kill Christine's secret lova. She ends up making out with the Phantom! And that was the point when I realized she had completely lost it. Either that or she is just a skank, and that isn't that bad of an idea either, seeing that anyone who sings to her she would give them the night, if you catch my drift.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
The book that cried "WOLF."
One of my buddies are heading over seas tomorrow morning. I think I am going to cry. Not because of their saftey or anything, but because I want to go, and I know I won't be able to!
I was supposed to read this book today: "Ronald Dahl's The Revolting Ryhmes." There is three problems with that theory..
1. I don't read.
2. It's a childrens' book.
3. I've got lot's of better things to do like i.e. stare at the walls and slip slowly into madness.
Why do I even have to read it you ask? Because the hermana gave it to me about a week ago, and asked me to read it because, "it is funny" she says.
The only funny thing about that is that we are nowhere NEAR being children, and she is insisting that we read these preschool-set books. I don't even think they are qualified to be called books. I think they are called story-times or something. Oh well, at least they've got pictures.
I learned a bit of French today..
You know, I hope this blog won't be one of those things that you get started, and then just forget about. I do that quite often. I like this. I want to keep the juices flowing.
Deary me, I almost forgot. I've got Japanese flashcards to practice. Is it too late?
Seeing as though one of my siblings speaks a dab of French, today I "stumbled" across a video on YouTube that teaches French. Should I learn it? Or should I NOT learn it. Hmm..
Anyway, I learned about 2 or 3 words including: J', wee, merci, madame, c'est. Ok ok, I admit. I knew a few of those already.
Just because I learned them doesn't mean I will remember them. OI!
En Espanol!
Que puedo hablar en espanol? Yo Se! Quiero hablar sobre este cosa. Que tal con eso?
Tengo miedo sobre hablando en espanol. Hay un posibilidad que este no tiene razon.
PUES, voy terminar este ahora mismo. Lo siento esta corto, pero.. necisito ir a la dormir!
My First Blog
I do suppose that is my fault.
But I just got on it last night! Also, yesterday, I made a YouTube account. I get on YouTube all the time, Todos los dias, but I never had an account. So I decided to fall in the trap and make one. So far, 9 video views. I didn't have any juicy videos to put on, so I went through my camera, and found some old footage from Disneyland. Who would have guessed that people would actually want to see that?
Anyway, I just wanted to jump start this brand- new Blog. I hope I remember the password for this one. Sheesh.