I also printed the last pages of "Wind of Life," I can tell that is going to be a challenge.
Today I got active, and did some workouts; that is definately a first for me. I am on this plan right now, and I have been skipping out. Why am I doing this to myself? I want abs, don't I? I would show you my progress, but I don't want to blind any children.
I did some Pilates, and flips today. Only simple flips because I was doing them inside my house.

Yeah, that was a long time ago, about a month or so. I can still do that of course; it is one of our required warm-ups in gymnastics.
I have to admit I am addicted to adding pictures now. Once I saw how well you could enhance your blog by adding a simple picture, I was all over that. Especially adding the food. It makes it look kind of professional.
You know what, I actually was looking into photography as one of my professions. I can take some mean modeling shots and portraits. Just ask Josephine.
This one is not as good as some of my others, but it is ok. I have some that we took at my house with my web camera.
For a while there, it became one of my passions; but schooling got in the way, and until I was finished, I couldn't do too much.
We do believe, this is among the best pictures I have taken. This is her favorite, because, don't mind the green, she looks a lot like a celebrity. Say, Jessica Alba?
On a failed attempt to remake the above that second picture, we came up with this: Not so bad on it's own, and creative touch with the focus of the eyes.
You should see all the photos I have taken with my cat. His name was Fatboy, and he is gone now. It brings tears to my eyes sometimes to even think of him. He didn't die or anything, there was just a lot of competition in the neighborhood, and another TomCat ran him away. I loved him so much. He was my baby. I had him since he was able to eat big kitty food. He was seperated from his mother in my move from little little town to just little town. He kind of took on me as a mother I guess. He would cry when I wasn't around. When he was born, he was born with some kind of birth-defect: His ribs were crushed, and his little joints in his legs were twisted and backwards.. meaning, his legs bent the opposite way. We prayed so hard for him and his sister. Amazingly, they both got better, but shortly after, his sister died from malnutrition. She wasn't under-fed or anything.. Something must have went wrong when she was born, and caused long-term effects to her immune system. She slowly starved to death.
But anyway, he was such a great cat, and I loved him so much. He used to fall asleep right beside me in my bed. I could let him stay in the house for hours, and he wouldn't have a single accident. He didn't have hardly any fleas, and he never scratched. I miss him.
Fatboy was very photogenic too. You should see some of the photos we took.
This is just the half of it.
There was this new gray female cat that just showed up on the doorstep one day. She is pretty cute.
Until she had kittens.
But thankfully for her, they are cute as well.
I snuck some photos of them too, seeing as though they will not let me touch them..
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