Friday, June 29, 2007

All Eyes On Me

Is skipping meals bad for you?

It's not that I skipped on purpose, but I was so tired today, and I slept most of it or I was gone. Yes, I did get out of the house. My mind was so occupied today.. a first.

From the beginning:

What a drag.

This morning was.

I get up at 7 o'clock to go to the track, correct?

My partner in crime tells me, at the LAST minute, "I don't feel like doing this today." I was so.. Gaah. "Why couldn't you have told me this BEFORE I got up at 7 this morning??" I mean, wouldn't you be mad if you went to bed at 3 the previous night, and got up on time to meet someone, and they get there an hour later saying "they didn't feeel like it"? You betcha.

Once I am awake, I am awake. I usually can't go back to sleep so soon. I would have to wait 3 or 4 hours later before I am tired.

So I turned on the laptop.

Talked to some really early birds. "Isn't it early for you?" Yes! I knew that. I even went and updated my MSN blog. Which is so lame, you wouldn't believe your eyes.

I finally ended up going to sleep at about I'd say.. 12:36 or so? I was laying down watching "Law and Order" when I drifted of: I woke up numerous times, sure to watch the clock because I knew I had gymnastics tonight.

I was told that if you take a nap before a gym class, you would be so tired and do horrible.

So I got up at 2 something. I quickly realized that I had left my computer on! I had to run back to turn it off. I saw that 4 people had started conversations with me in the past 2 hours on MSN. That bothers me so much. I hate when someone is trying to tell me something or just talk to me, and I am not there. I had left everything on. I was so tired. It was just like I left it.

Man, I had this terrible pain in my armpits today. I know, that is definately a TMI, but it was so severe. I could not figure out what was causing it. Whenever I got home tonight, in the middle of my shower session, I figured out what it was. I did some push-ups yesterday, and I hadn't done them in a long time.. So, my muscles were cryin' about it.

I have to work tomorrow. Yeah, believe it or not. I haven't been out in so long. Except today.

This time last week was when we had the bakesale. Recuerdas?

GYMNASTICS: A blast. As always. Never dissapointing. I did so well tonight. I guess this makes up for last time. No William. Hmm, isn't that suspicous? I really do think he jinxed me.

Anyway, I was doing so good, until the owner of Double "A" (My gym class) came in. All the coaches got kinda quiet, and boy was she bossy! She was telling me what I had to do. A little degrading if you'd ask me. Then, everyone turned towards me, and were watching me.. So much intemidation!! I was doing so well before, but when all eyes were on me, I did terrible. I fumbled. Twice. So embarassing. But my speed in my backflips make up for that. They say I have "power legs."

On the pacman, I did good, but slowly degenerated to bad because my back got tired. I was getting tired for some reason. Maybe it had something to do with the extreme lack of food? Maybe the sleep? Either way, I was loosing energy fast, and one coach asked me "Are you tired?" It was like she read my mind.

Pues, I have to get up before 7 tomorrow. I want to watch my show before I leave.

I just did a yawn!

This might work out after all!

I was so afraid that I would get my days and nights mixed up. Happens to me so much. This early morning stuff is really helping.

I saw some movies today. "Forest Gump", and "Jackie Chan's First Strike". Love, Love, Love him. I don't know how many times I have to say it.

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