Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh no

Ok, So I caught some sort of cold yesterday, completely at random.

That's what happens when you shop til you drop.

I also think that it had something to do with me being allergic to dust, and my fan is so dirty... Maybe, possibly.

I feel like my nose is a water faucet that can never be turned off; it feels as if it is bottomless. I am so tired of blowing my nose. Thank bejeebus that I have Puffs Plus handy.

That's what I hate the most about common cold. You get those terrible scabs around your nose where you blow and blow constantly. It ultimately sucks. I can't stand that, and my eyes have been watering all day. It almost looks like I am on crack, my eyes, are so red.

The back of my throat feels all itchy, and it seems impossible to scratch--or soothe. Waah, why does it have to be this way?

I talked to Pastel today. That boy is so "naughty," if that is even a just word for it.

I at random dug out this old backstreet boys cd I had in my closet and played it on my computer. Turns out that it had a pc game on it, and a bunch of "FAN-INFO" included. You could become the ultimate backstreet girl! Lame.

I can't believe I went through half a box of tissues in one day. Stupid cold. I hope it goes away soon. It randomly attacked me.

I think I need some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Am i naughty??? okay miss
then i had better not to talk to!!