Saturday, November 10, 2007


Last night I was so worried and nervous.

One of my friends was sent to the hospital from the game we were at, and nobody knew what was causing his sudden pain.

It could have been serious, it could have not been.

We were sitting in the stands, and then he asked me, "Leah, what happens when you are having a heart attack?" I said back, "Well, your left side starts to get numb, and you feel some pressure to your chest.."

Later, his heart started beating a million miles an hour. I wasn't too concerned because he was talking alright, and I figured that he wasn't in too bad of shape.

He began to hold his left side in pain, but it still wasn't too severe; it was bad, but he still could talk. I think he might have been trying to bare it considering where he was.

Then it worsened.. he could not sit up straight. "Zack, was it something you ate? Did you drink something? Are you on some kind of medication?"


Earlier he had let me feel that spot that was giving him the trouble. "Leah there is a lump.. I think it's getting bigger..."

"Hey you just let me know if it gets too bad ok?"

It got to the point where he could not sit up. He was in agony. His breathing began to get restricted, and his veins began to protrude. "Everytime I breath it hurts." He was holding on the a full bottle of water, and then he busted the top off of it. [He was using it as a pressure ball, but he was in so much pain, the top busted.] I felt so guilty because I had left for a second before all this deep pain started hurting. I came back, and they were taking him down the steps to authorites. They quickly ran and got an ambulance.

I tried to think of the possible reasons why this could have happened, and some other people told me: 'He could have had a gal stone'; 'He could have a kidney stone'; 'He could have a tumor;' 'He could have a cracked rib.'

Out of all of those, I figure that the rib is the best explaination. He was in pain right in his rib area, and then the lump was the shape of a small HARD edge of something. It wasn't in circle form, but it was most likely a rib out of place, or cracked, or twisted. I didn't know for sure, but I was praying to God that it wasn't a tumor.

The word began to spread. People started asking. "What happened to him?" "What's wrong?" "Where's he going?" "Why is he in pain?"

Nobody knew that last one. I didn't know. The medic didn't know. They had rushed him to the emergency room, but there was no way of knowing until they got there.

They kept him in the first ambulance to examine him, until the second one came to take him away. I saw him on a stretcher, and I began to get nervous. I was nervous already, but I didn't know if it was serious or not. Then I saw that, and I was completely out of the game. I didn't want anything bad to happen. What if it was serious? What if he--dies?

But of course, I didn't need to be on edge about this. I would feel so dumb if it wasn't something serious after all. There is just so many possibilities and assumptions that could have been made, but only ONE correct one. I still don't know that one, and won't until they give me a call.

Wouldn't you consider this a serious thing?

I had to go back and get all of his things and take them home with me. People called us to ask what had happened. I was getting angry. Rumors were going to be started over this, I could feel it.

I was worried the whole night, and I am a little right now. Not so much, because I know he will be alright.

That night was the only time I have ever seen him cry...

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