Wednesday, October 17, 2007


And so, it came in the mail today.

Actually it was sitting in my front yard when I got home, but that is beside the point. I was so happy. I think I might have even jumped a little bit.

This phone was shocking to me because I thought it was going to be something greater. Don't get me wrong, it rocks my socks harder than sliced bread, but it was sad because it didn't come with all the things I needed for it to own.

Sadly, I had to make a trip to RadioShack, and decide on which appliance I needed the most--USB Cable, or Sandisk.

Sandisk: Give the phone extra memory storage for mp3s, video, photos, and more.

USB Cable: Gives the phone a connection to the computer for file transfer.

Uh Oh, which one?

I got the Sandisk because I could not record videos without it. I will just have to hook myself up the the cable later.

Today was a SAT day, and I was feeling like an eskimo. It was so cold in my testing room. I could have sworn I had turned into two ice cubes.

Zach accompanied me to church tonight.

My earaches have been on the move; today I got them along with sore throat, but I got some Halls cough drops which eased it out.

Thank you God.

Yesterday was killer. We had UIL, and I had a very heavy head. At least it felt like a thousand pounds because of all the pressure I had from my sickness.

Got home late.

Went to bed late.

The usual.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha eskimo :)
your test was about leak fishing?
that SAT made you Sick And Twisted?