Friday, October 26, 2007


OK, so it is one minute until Midnight, and I decided to squeeze a post in since I never do this on Fridays.

The cold weather is the highlight of my year. I didn't even sweat at the game tonight--it was great.

One of my best friends and I are learning the "Thriller" dance. I think I said something about that before. Well, there is a song that goes with the choreography, (teaches you the dance, but instead it says funny words in place of the dance moves) and I have been singing it all day. Along with dancing :D One of the phrases is "Aiiiir-Guitar to the right, tick tock tick tock, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, rock-on, grab pull in punch punch punch down." I know it is very strange and random, but that is how it goes. There are other parts too, but this is the one that was stuck in my head.

Went to Friendswood tonight.

No seriously it is a place.

Tomorrow, I will probably get home late, that is, if our plans cancel. I am not expecting them to, but there is a slight chance they might.

Oh well, I guess it's off to 'Splash-Town.'

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