Wednesday, October 3, 2007


That is Dia and I's word we made up a year ago.

Man, I was exhausted at the end of today. It was so hot, and I had to stay at school until 6.

I came home for about 20 mins, and then I left for church, and I just got home about 30 mins ago. I think Wednesdays are the worst days of the week for me, next to that are Tuesdays.

I can never get anything done of those days.

I went to church, and what do you know, Zach was there!

I was just like.. "Hey what are you doing here?" haha.

Right now, I have this bruise on my leg, that was hurting today. It also--well I am not going to say anything else, but let's just say it is nasty.

I haven't had any tooth pain in the past 24 hours! I guess that has something to do with those strong pain killers I took. Hmm..

This week is almost over. They always happen so fast now. Last week went by in a snap, and this one is going to do that as well.
Once Wednesday is here, the week is gone.

1 comment:

Amina said...

hi girl!
I know how it feels I finished a horrible week too and happy that its am gana prepare for Eid which is a special occasion for muslims .Moreover exams..any way I wanted to say thanks for ur help I have a surprise for u !!I'll tell u when you gana be online