Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Ok, so I was having an ok day today, until I woke up at 4:30 by accident, surprisingly not from pain, but just from my internal body clock going off saying, "Get up woman."

I went to Gymnastics last night, and I was so happy again! I have been getting faster at my flips and stuff, cleaner. Ever since that one day, I have had it downhill, but I am slowly regaining my abilities.

The sad thing is that I think I got a little carried away; I am so sore right now in my legs. We were doing stretches today, and it felt like someone was slicing my legs open, and setting them on fire.


It was that bad.

I don't know, it was weird.. I think I must have pulled some muscles.

I think I have eaten about 3 Lemon-Berry slushes in the past 3 days; so what? That makes--one a day? Oh wow, they are good, and they have REAL strawberries in them. YUM.

My eyes are getting heavy, so you know it is time for me to go.

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