Saturday, May 31, 2008

English 101

Eleven Things Every Forienger
Should Know About American English.
[Not British.]

1. "THE" is actually pronounced "DA" [DUH].
2. Swearing/cursing does NOT make you look cool. [Trust me.]
3. Don't worry about your spelling. Not many of us can spell either.
4. No one uses the term "Mum" on this side of the waters.
5. "Ain't" IS a word; they just won't LET you say it.
6. A "Coke" is a brand, not a noun.
7. Some words are singular and plurl at the same time: Moose are Moose, Fish are Fish, Deer are Deer.
8. The term: "Mashed Potatoes", isn't just a food.
9. Even some native English speakers are hard to understand.
10. "Big Pimpin'" is verb. [Ex: I big pimpin', you big pimpin', he/she/it big pimpin'.]
11. "Bling-Bling" 1998-2003. Let it Rest In Peace.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

My English

Your Linguistic Profile:

70% General American English

10% Dixie

10% Yankee

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Day of the Dead

It is a sad sad day in many lives today.

This morning at 11:00 a.m, a member from our church, Nikki passed away.

She has been so sick for the longest time. She was a gentle soul.

Her husband is a widower now, and he's barely even 31.

She was 29.

They never got a chance to have children. Poor girl, she wanted them bad. She loved kids.

R.I.P Nikki.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Siempre Pude Ver


Yo siempre pude ver
La luz de tu mirar
Eres tan especial
Que me cuesta explicar tanto amor...

Que extraña sensación
Me duele el corazón
Si imagino que tu
Te apareces aquí en mi sillón

Como voy a soñar
Si ni sabes quien soy
Ni conoces mi voz

Que me voy a inventar
Para dejarte ver que yo existo también
Y que estoy tan enamorada de ti
Terca soy

Y que no quede duda
Que siento el cielo al cantar de ti,
Cantarte a ti

Te cuento que aquí estoy
Soñando con tu amor
Se que es tanto decir
Que yo tiemblo al estar frente a ti

Pero tu ni me ves
Ni imaginas que estoy
Invadida de ti
Que detén tu dolor
Y tu voz al hablar que me inquieta la piel
Y que estoy tan enamorada de ti
Terca soy

Y que no quede duda
Que siento el cielo al cantar de ti,
Cantarte a ti

Yo siempre pude ver
La luz de tu mirar
Eres tan especial
Que algún día estaré junto a ti.


I'm alive!

It's a miracle!

Last week is over, and my face is clearing up. Haha.

But in sad news, keep "Nikki" in your prayers; she is a woman that goes to our church, and she is on acutal life support, and they are going to take her off tomorrow morning. Hopefully she will be alright. She has been struggling at a chance for life for over 10 years. I believe.

She has some extreme case of rare... uhh something. Either way it's bad, and she's dying as you read this.

Did someone say "SCHLITTERBAHN?"

Yes yes, I went again! That was sunday, but I have to admit that the one in Galveston is SO MUCH BETTER than the acutal one in New Braunfels. Seriously, it might be bigger there, but at least Galveston's rides are FUN.

I almost died on one! JEEBUS!

At first it was fun going down a giant water slide 30 m/ph, but then it started getting faster, and I almost flipped off the edge, and then I turned over, and that's so dangerous, because you land in water, and you don't want to be face down, and then I started freaking out because A. You can't stop, and B. I was flying outta control. Then amazingly I got myself turned around in time to land.. and I sooo landed in the water like a stuffed doll.

To finish it off, I inhaled about a gallon of water.


But my friend Alyssa and I had a nice chat in the pool. We found one. It was good.

Some weirdo kids playing with waterguns and then shot me in the eye...

But other than that, it was good.

Monday, I forced myself to stay home and just.. TAKE IT EASAAAY. Seriously, last week was so crazy. I slept for almost 12 hours on Monday, and it felt goooooood.

I am dying for summer to be here.

WOO SUMMER! [That's "WOO" not "WHOO" Pastel. Got it?]

Gymnastics tonight was bad. I was doing good 2 nights in a row, and then here comes tonight. I sucked baad. Stupid stupid. I mean, I got harped at by my coach for landing on my head!

I had to take some retarded mouse exam today. No worries though, I passed, and I get a certificate that certifies that I know what's what with Microsoft Office 4.0.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Austin, Texas

Wow, I hadn't realized how pretty Austin could be at night. Man, I haven't been here in so long.

In other news, we got superior ratings [1's] at the constest WOO! It was amazing; even our director was amazed. He seriously thought we were gonna get a 2.

WE got medals too!

The contest was held at the University of Texas, Austin of course, and that just so happens to be the same college that William is going to be attending in the Fall. Cool!

WE stayed in that buildig all day, and there were people everywhere. It was crazy. From all over Texas! [hmm, maybe it's because this was a State competition] but seriously they were EVERYWHERE on the floor, every corner of the building sleeping and what-not. It was like giant slumber party. Only more formal.

We had to dress up. I think I had my outfit on for a grand total of and hour, and I took it off! Maybe not even an hour.. 45 minutes. We were the first to perform for our judge.

Later that day they took us out to eat at this resturant called "The Brick Oven" the food was alright, but not as good as it sounded. The lasagna was good, but the fettaccini Alfredo tasted like glue and wet noodles. I think the best thing outta that place was the bleu cheese salad dressing.

I L.O.V.E Bleu Cheese!

I love its savvory flavors!

This hotel, the "Double Tree" hotel, is I mean, so fancy that, I don't know. I just have never been somewhere like this before. There are rich old people all over the place. I guess we were kinda out of place; they kept giving us the eyes.

We totally went into the ballroom and threw a party.

Seriously, one part of the Hotel looked like the Titanic Dining room. Maybe a low-key version, but it was so fancy.

They had a flippin Tiki bar!

This girl that was rooming with me jacked a pillow.

It was pretty hilarious.

Friday, May 23, 2008


So today was the day.

The performance at the Clarion was tonight, and it was surpisingly fantastic. I got complements after it was over, and so did the ensemble :D

I'm going crazy because I am still up to my eyeballs in things I have to do.

Not to mention I have to go to bed like right now because I have to be at the school at 4 in the morning tomorrow.

Well, I am glad because we got that retarded project taken care of, I went in and finished the last of the blue-prints. Those people better appreciate me, and we better get an A+ plus on that project, or I'm gonna stab somebody.

We've worked so hard on that thing, it's not even funny.

A little bit of randomness for the day, I'm listening to "O Happy Day" right now.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


The tension with the family is at it's climax. There is abosultely NO way I can make it to the reunion, or even see them before I leave on Saturday or before they leave on Sunday.

Concert tonight. It's gonna suck, I can feel it.

We are still preparing for State Solo and Ensemble on Saturday.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


It seems to be getting worse, and worse.

I think tomorrow is going to be the easiest of all the days of this week. I don't know why in the world everyone seems to be wanting to have EVERYTHING happen on THIS WEEK for HEAVEN sakes, I'm only one human!

I am seriously loosing it. I mean, I don't even know how much sleep I have gotten. I didn't eat much today. GAAH! I'm loosing it.

This is supposed to be the best time of the year. Education is nearing to an end, and people are graduating and moving on, yet, I think this is one of the worse weeks of this year.

One side of my family is upset with me because I am not going to be able to make it to the family reunion, which hasn't happened in YEARS.

They just so happen to plan it on the weekend of State Solo and Ensemble.

OH MAN. I'm going to be at the capital of Texas--Austin, all weekend, and I am leaving at 4 in the morning on Saturday and coming back 9 p.m on Sunday Night.

Free day on Monday, No school.

I think that's when I will sleep.

I hate this. I really do. I guess a majority of it is my fault for getting into all this stuff, but I think that I'm doing a good job just staying alive.

I guess it helps that 2 of my friends and I aren't getting along very well at the moment.


I bet the emos are having a better time than I am right now.

By the way Schlitterbahn this weekend at State. Let me just let you know, I am NOT going to enjoy it that well. Maybe.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

She Lives!

I'm alive everyone! No need to panic!

I made it though my first day with only 3 and a half hours of sleep. :) and I'm still going. I think tomorrow is going to be just as bad, but maybe not because I am going to have a break in the middle of the day.

Today was hectic, stressed out in the morning, and 20239580487252 jillion things to do in the evening. Sometimes I even wonder how I do it.

  • Morning Rehearsal 7 a.m.
  • Rube Goldberg Project
  • Quiz in Math [Not so bad]
  • Ensemble Rehearsal
  • Culminating Project [Completed]
  • Deliver Scholarship Law Essay
  • After-School Ensemble Rehearsal
  • After-School Regular Rehearsal
  • Fish Camp [4:30-6:00]
  • RUN to Maserson Park for BBQ
  • William's House
  • Travel to All American at 7:45
  • Return home at 9:45

I know I have work to do right now, but I really just need to go to bed.

I think I'm gonna do that right about now.

I went to All American tonight, and it was the bomb. I did great. Now if only I could keep it up.

I did a lot of independent things despite the pounding headache I had from start to finish of the class. But I think this is the best I have done in a while. ALL OF THAT ON 3 hours of sleep! GO ME!

A Nation Without Walls

Law [n]: A code of principle based on morality, conscience, or nature.

Imagine–a nation where there are no boundaries; where one is free to do whatever they please. There are no rules, there are no restrictions, and there are no penalties. To some, this might sound like a nation of pure freedom. To not have cares or worries laid upon them. But to others, this might sound like a chance to do sinister things. I am grateful today that I am in a country, where long ago, there were boundaries, rules, restrictions, AND penalties set. I am proud to be living in the United States of America.

The United States was built on justice and integrity for all that inhabit these lands. Now answer this, what would our nation be without walls? Laws aren’t only there to prohibit us from doing certain acts, but it is also there to protect us, guide us, and even settle our differences. It gives us an unbiased nation of equality as it was promised and signed by 39 delegates in a Virginia Convention over 200 years ago. Our ancestors fought hard and long to bring the very ground that we stand on today to freedom. Once it was liberated, they had to create some sort of system to act as a rock-hard foundation to build this nation upon.

To other nations, America is the land of opportunity. There is a way of life here that is not offered in many other countries around the world. One reason behind this is the fact that every one person in this country is due unalienable rights. Unalienable rights are the divine liberties given unto man by God; they cannot be taken away, or bound. Yet in the past, they have been. The law has resolved many civil disagreements, such as the abolition of slavery, women’s rights, and even segregation. The law has even made way for the people [that’s us] to have some say on how the government runs.

Freedom of speech, religion, protest, press, assembly, expression, and even the right to remain silent, would not be possible if they were not insured and protected by the law. As Henry Ward, a clergyman and abolitionist leader in the 1800's put the argue of libery well: "Liberty is the soul’s right to breathe and, when it cannot take a long breath, it may quickly perish." Where would this nation be if one wasn’t allowed to stand up for what they think is right? Where would we be if the security of having privacy in one’s own home didn’t exist? It is a wonder that a majority of the citizens that reside in the United States do not realize the wonderful significance of these privileges. Which is why law day is a great way to celebrate and honor the liberties of the governed, and to commemorate and continue the purpose of it’s existence.

My personal interpretation of "law" in general would be the complete structure of our society given to us by the government. It is the basis of our nation’s communities and it gives us moral codes to heed and to follow. With these rules and regulations, we are granted the well sought after opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Just incase you're wondering, it is almost 2 am here, and I am up trying desperately to finish my essay for this contest. Wish me luck.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


See the first time I heard this word, I didn't even know how to pronounce it. Shows how much I know..

"Baccalaureate"--Pronounced [back-coo-lor-rie-ette] Must be French.

But it was this celebration for my sister, and I just named this post that because a lot has happened in the past week.

Last Thursday was pretty much one of the greatest days of my life, and I MADE Saturday, my official day of leisure. I rewarded myself for successfully completing the AP exams. OF course, there's no party until the results come in the mail in June, but until then, I'm just going to pretend like I knew what I was doing on that test.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cinco De Mayo

Whoops, this is actually the day AFTER Cinco de Mayo, but at least I remembered.

We didn't really do anything. I was supposed to dress up the traditional dress, but then it was banned so we didn't dress up at all.

We are having a party on Thursday :/

This girl gave me a box of cookies today. It was really random. I bet they had drugs in them or something.

103 Days until the targeted date.

I was invited to this grand ball party at the end of may. Turns out we have to dress fancy. Hmm.. I have a banquet on Saturday!

We gotta dress fancy for that too.

Nothing much to say besides the blisters and William and My split. GRR.