I finally got rid of my earaches! I hope at least. The tooth has been taken care of, and I now have a silver tooth D:
So, for the past, I don't know how long, I have been trying to figure out where my Dentist's origins are.
He has one of the thickest accents ever [Well not so bad I guess, but you can tell he's foreign] and I have been puzzled trying to figure out from where.
Anyone else wouldn't care less about the matter, but knowing me, the matter is a thorn in my side.
I mean really. Who cares where their dentist is from?--Someone who is planning to major in Foreign languages and Linguistics, that's who.
So anyway, I have been putting 2 and 2 together, and this is what I got:
He is light skin.
Brown hair.
Ok, so these aren't the best, but they have something.
His dental assistant has the accent too.
More Facts!
He has an extremely hairy chest.. Gross, and that makes me think of Italy. How do I know about the chest? This guy is right in my face when he is digging for gold in my gum line all the time. How could you NOT see it?
I seriously thought he was from Greece for the longest time. [Not because of the hair of course.]
Then I thought maybe he was from a Spanish speaking country. Remember that Juan Franco thing? Well, this could have been the same case.
His last name is Scherer, so that was cancelled out.
What kind of last name is Scherer? Who knows!
I heard him talking on the phone again, and don't get me wrong, I am not an eavesdropper, I just heard him from my chair, and he talked in a way I definately couldn't understand. I figured it was a European language for sure.
It kinda reminded me about Pastel, and when he talks in Hungarian. Was he Hungarian? Do Hungarians have hairy chests? Lol Hope not ;)
Maybe not Hungary. It is impossible.
It wasn't until today where I got my biggest lead.
"I once worked with a Sri Lankan, and a Filippino."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, that was when I was living in Qatar."
Now this was the converstion between a dentist assistant, and my dentist. It was so weird because they were digging in my mouth talking about their past jobs.
It was the dental assistant who said this.. and then she said,
"I also worked with a lady from Romania," and then he got really intrested. "Really?" He said.
"Yeah! But she was so quiet. I thought to myself, 'she is nothing like the guy I know from back home!'"
So, he is from Romania.
Case Closed.
I think I want to go get me a cup of coffee.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
What Was Today?
Man, I just cannot put my finger on it.

It might have something to do with all the 'well wishes' and 'happiness'.
Anyway, there was a party for me.. Don't know what that was about. They had a bunch of stuff there, and--gifts.
I had some sushi today. It was my special day; I got the special treatment.

This was my actual plate. I think some people were looking at me weird because I was taking pictures of my food.
I ran into an old friend that I haven't seen or talked to in over a year. It was so good to see her. We are going to catch up.
I took this picture today. Reminds me of a Sportings Magazine for some reason.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Winding Down
The past few days, I haven't been doing pretty much of anything. It's kind of sad how much time I have wasted during the holiday.

For example:
"I sat down to do some catching up with my reading, and then I ended up staring at the walls in deep thought for a good 30 minutes."
It's terrible!
I have to admit, I have been doing this all week. Is it a sign?
Haha, well, I never got around to doing anything, and I still haven't put up those Thanksgiving photos--Dang.
I think this is bad for real.
You know how the day after Thanksgiving is supposed to be Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year? You know the one getting ready for Christmas? I didn't even go out!
Knowing me and my addiction to new things, that was just obsurd!
It's so surprising to me to be that lazy.
I did end up staying on MSN for so long all of these days.
I wonder why.. COUGH*
The weather was on drugs today, like many other things in my life. It was on and off, thundering and lightening. Then it would stop.. a minute later, it would start to sprinkle, and then Rain hard again! It was bipolar...

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Run Little Turkey!
And there was nothing left but the feathers.
DIA- "Let's all have a moment of silence for all the turkeys around the world."
So today was a day of thanks, and I sure was feeling it in my belly.
What is Thanksgiving exactly?
"Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks for the things that one has at the conclusion of the harvest season. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.
First Thanksgiving
The earliest Thanksgiving events in the British Colonies were held at what is present day Berkeley Plantation in Virginia in 1619 and at Plymouth in present day Massachusetts in 1621.
A long weekend
In the United States, Thanksgiving Day, always a Thursday, is part of four- or five-day long weekend which usually marks a pause in school and college calendars. Many workers (78% in 2007) are given both Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays, and others with leave benefits are allowed to take a vacation day. The day after Thanksgiving is promoted as the unofficial holiday of Black Friday: the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. Many retailers open very early (for example, 5 A.M. or earlier) and offer "doorbuster" deals and loss leaders to draw people to their stores.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and the following Sunday, last day of the long weekend, are typically two of the heaviest annual travel days for passengers airlines, intercity rail and bus services, and highway travel.
Traditional celebration
Thanksgiving meals are traditionally family events where certain kinds of food are served. As is evidenced by the tremendous level of travel, significant effort is made by family members to gather for the Thanksgiving celebration. Family participation is notably inclusive ranging from the very youngest to the most senior. First and foremost, turkey is the featured item in most Thanksgiving feasts (so much so that Thanksgiving is sometimes facetiously referred to as "Turkey Day"). Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, turnips, rolls, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner, although it was quite probable that many of these culinary items did not feature in the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Often guests bring food items or help with cooking in the kitchen as part of a communal meal."
Ok, So I am not that smart. I so stole that from Wikipedia.
DIA- "Let's all have a moment of silence for all the turkeys around the world."
So today was a day of thanks, and I sure was feeling it in my belly.
What is Thanksgiving exactly?
"Thanksgiving, or Thanksgiving Day, is a traditional North American holiday to give thanks for the things that one has at the conclusion of the harvest season. Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and on the second Monday of October in Canada.
First Thanksgiving
The earliest Thanksgiving events in the British Colonies were held at what is present day Berkeley Plantation in Virginia in 1619 and at Plymouth in present day Massachusetts in 1621.
A long weekend
In the United States, Thanksgiving Day, always a Thursday, is part of four- or five-day long weekend which usually marks a pause in school and college calendars. Many workers (78% in 2007) are given both Thanksgiving and the day after as paid holidays, and others with leave benefits are allowed to take a vacation day. The day after Thanksgiving is promoted as the unofficial holiday of Black Friday: the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. Many retailers open very early (for example, 5 A.M. or earlier) and offer "doorbuster" deals and loss leaders to draw people to their stores.
The Wednesday before Thanksgiving Day, and the following Sunday, last day of the long weekend, are typically two of the heaviest annual travel days for passengers airlines, intercity rail and bus services, and highway travel.
Traditional celebration
Thanksgiving meals are traditionally family events where certain kinds of food are served. As is evidenced by the tremendous level of travel, significant effort is made by family members to gather for the Thanksgiving celebration. Family participation is notably inclusive ranging from the very youngest to the most senior. First and foremost, turkey is the featured item in most Thanksgiving feasts (so much so that Thanksgiving is sometimes facetiously referred to as "Turkey Day"). Stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn, turnips, rolls, pecan pie, and pumpkin pie are commonly associated with Thanksgiving dinner, although it was quite probable that many of these culinary items did not feature in the first Thanksgiving in 1621. Often guests bring food items or help with cooking in the kitchen as part of a communal meal."
Ok, So I am not that smart. I so stole that from Wikipedia.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
The Day Before
Thanksgiving is tomorrow.
I can't wait to sink my teeth into some of those goodies in there.
All this preparing is making me tired. Who though of all this anyway? OH yeah; the Pilgrims and the Indians.
I can't wait to sink my teeth into some of those goodies in there.
All this preparing is making me tired. Who though of all this anyway? OH yeah; the Pilgrims and the Indians.
Monday, November 19, 2007
You Are So Beautiful
I love this song, even though I don't understand a single word in it. It is so pretty.
I am gonna love this week. Only two early mornings, and then I get to sleep in for the rest of the week! I think I might have to attend All American on Friday, because tomorrow is a special night. Thanksgiving is this week. I don't think I will have a bunch of family here like we did last year. I don't know, I might go visit some family.
Christmas is almost here! Then the New Year.
Today was so relaxed, although I fear for next week. After the Thanksgiving holidays, getting closer to Christmas is when all the curriculum gets SUPER hard.
I am gonna love this week. Only two early mornings, and then I get to sleep in for the rest of the week! I think I might have to attend All American on Friday, because tomorrow is a special night. Thanksgiving is this week. I don't think I will have a bunch of family here like we did last year. I don't know, I might go visit some family.
Christmas is almost here! Then the New Year.
Today was so relaxed, although I fear for next week. After the Thanksgiving holidays, getting closer to Christmas is when all the curriculum gets SUPER hard.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Una Cara De Pastel
Saturday: What did I get done today?
New table set up, and I took down the old one. Is that interesting? No.
Cleaned so much. I was surprised my arms didn't fall off. Is that interesting? No.
Ate at the Taqueria. My Eyes were watering from the hot sabores. Is that Interesting? NO.
Went to Andrea's party. Now that's something.
She had a theme; Red carpet.
I watched that movie "The Ring"

New table set up, and I took down the old one. Is that interesting? No.
Cleaned so much. I was surprised my arms didn't fall off. Is that interesting? No.
Ate at the Taqueria. My Eyes were watering from the hot sabores. Is that Interesting? NO.
Went to Andrea's party. Now that's something.
She had a theme; Red carpet.
I watched that movie "The Ring"
I have seen this before, but for some reason, I didn't remember hardly any of it.
What does it feel like to have icing up your nose?
I got the perfect chance to find out. Lowrie decided she wanted to shove a piece of cake in my face, completely covering all my breathing holes. It was terrible. But oh, I got her. I got her good. She couldn't see anything for a good 5 minutes.
Dia got away from me, but I was gonna get her too.
I had this terrible knick in my back today. I tried and tried to get it out, but no luck. I ended up getting someone at the party to help me.
"Lay down with your arms at your side." She said.
"Breathe in, and out."
"Oh, I think you missed a spot."
"Breath in, and out."
"Oh that feel nice."
Thanks Shelby for your amazing popping skills.
All American was last Tuesday. Great Nice. I truely moved up.
Monday, November 12, 2007
I feel so much better. [Despite the cold, but that is beside the point..]
I saw Zack today, and he was doing a lot better. I was so worried about him though. Turns out that he did have a messed up rib, and the worse part was that he had a blood clot in his left arm.
Strange though. It still doesn't seem to relate at all to his symptoms. He told me that the doctors still don't know what is wrong with his ribs, but they took an x-ray.
I am so relieved though. I was so happy to see him. He was still walking with his left arm in a 90 degree right angle (I seriously don't know how to explain this in any other way..), but he was doing better.
Me on the other hand had a terrible day. Hmm, maybe not so much as terrible as annoying. I was so annoyed at my nose; it was running non-stop. Where was it going? [Lol P]
People were coming up to me and asking me all day, "What happened to you?" "Are you sick?" "Are you out of it?" "What's wrong with you?" It was so frustrating. I didn't even dress up today. Well I did on some levels, but I didn't do my hair at all. It was just a puff-ball, and people noticed.
Lars - "Leah what happened to your hair..?"
Leah - "Don't ask."
Lars - "It looks weird today.."
Taylor - "Well she has an excuse, she is sick!"
Oh I went through a whole box of tissues in one day. Not those cube boxes either, but those big rectangle ones. I had it bad.
I didn't get sores, which I am really happy about that, and it surprised me. I think it's the Puffs Plus. :)
I drank so much orange juice today: I feel like an orange.
I bought this exotic fruit Saturday: Starfruit? I don't think that is a popular one down here. I have been searching for this fruit for 6 years, because I tasted it once in a sample, and I could NEVER find it after that. Until Saturday. Now if I just knew how to peel it...
I saw Zack today, and he was doing a lot better. I was so worried about him though. Turns out that he did have a messed up rib, and the worse part was that he had a blood clot in his left arm.
Strange though. It still doesn't seem to relate at all to his symptoms. He told me that the doctors still don't know what is wrong with his ribs, but they took an x-ray.
I am so relieved though. I was so happy to see him. He was still walking with his left arm in a 90 degree right angle (I seriously don't know how to explain this in any other way..), but he was doing better.
Me on the other hand had a terrible day. Hmm, maybe not so much as terrible as annoying. I was so annoyed at my nose; it was running non-stop. Where was it going? [Lol P]
People were coming up to me and asking me all day, "What happened to you?" "Are you sick?" "Are you out of it?" "What's wrong with you?" It was so frustrating. I didn't even dress up today. Well I did on some levels, but I didn't do my hair at all. It was just a puff-ball, and people noticed.
Lars - "Leah what happened to your hair..?"
Leah - "Don't ask."
Lars - "It looks weird today.."
Taylor - "Well she has an excuse, she is sick!"
Oh I went through a whole box of tissues in one day. Not those cube boxes either, but those big rectangle ones. I had it bad.
I didn't get sores, which I am really happy about that, and it surprised me. I think it's the Puffs Plus. :)
I drank so much orange juice today: I feel like an orange.
I bought this exotic fruit Saturday: Starfruit? I don't think that is a popular one down here. I have been searching for this fruit for 6 years, because I tasted it once in a sample, and I could NEVER find it after that. Until Saturday. Now if I just knew how to peel it...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Oh no
Ok, So I caught some sort of cold yesterday, completely at random.
That's what happens when you shop til you drop.
I also think that it had something to do with me being allergic to dust, and my fan is so dirty... Maybe, possibly.
I feel like my nose is a water faucet that can never be turned off; it feels as if it is bottomless. I am so tired of blowing my nose. Thank bejeebus that I have Puffs Plus handy.
That's what I hate the most about common cold. You get those terrible scabs around your nose where you blow and blow constantly. It ultimately sucks. I can't stand that, and my eyes have been watering all day. It almost looks like I am on crack, my eyes, are so red.
The back of my throat feels all itchy, and it seems impossible to scratch--or soothe. Waah, why does it have to be this way?
I talked to Pastel today. That boy is so "naughty," if that is even a just word for it.
I at random dug out this old backstreet boys cd I had in my closet and played it on my computer. Turns out that it had a pc game on it, and a bunch of "FAN-INFO" included. You could become the ultimate backstreet girl! Lame.
I can't believe I went through half a box of tissues in one day. Stupid cold. I hope it goes away soon. It randomly attacked me.
I think I need some sleep.
That's what happens when you shop til you drop.
I also think that it had something to do with me being allergic to dust, and my fan is so dirty... Maybe, possibly.
I feel like my nose is a water faucet that can never be turned off; it feels as if it is bottomless. I am so tired of blowing my nose. Thank bejeebus that I have Puffs Plus handy.
That's what I hate the most about common cold. You get those terrible scabs around your nose where you blow and blow constantly. It ultimately sucks. I can't stand that, and my eyes have been watering all day. It almost looks like I am on crack, my eyes, are so red.
The back of my throat feels all itchy, and it seems impossible to scratch--or soothe. Waah, why does it have to be this way?
I talked to Pastel today. That boy is so "naughty," if that is even a just word for it.
I at random dug out this old backstreet boys cd I had in my closet and played it on my computer. Turns out that it had a pc game on it, and a bunch of "FAN-INFO" included. You could become the ultimate backstreet girl! Lame.
I can't believe I went through half a box of tissues in one day. Stupid cold. I hope it goes away soon. It randomly attacked me.
I think I need some sleep.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Last night I was so worried and nervous.
One of my friends was sent to the hospital from the game we were at, and nobody knew what was causing his sudden pain.
It could have been serious, it could have not been.
We were sitting in the stands, and then he asked me, "Leah, what happens when you are having a heart attack?" I said back, "Well, your left side starts to get numb, and you feel some pressure to your chest.."
Later, his heart started beating a million miles an hour. I wasn't too concerned because he was talking alright, and I figured that he wasn't in too bad of shape.
He began to hold his left side in pain, but it still wasn't too severe; it was bad, but he still could talk. I think he might have been trying to bare it considering where he was.
Then it worsened.. he could not sit up straight. "Zack, was it something you ate? Did you drink something? Are you on some kind of medication?"
Earlier he had let me feel that spot that was giving him the trouble. "Leah there is a lump.. I think it's getting bigger..."
"Hey you just let me know if it gets too bad ok?"
It got to the point where he could not sit up. He was in agony. His breathing began to get restricted, and his veins began to protrude. "Everytime I breath it hurts." He was holding on the a full bottle of water, and then he busted the top off of it. [He was using it as a pressure ball, but he was in so much pain, the top busted.] I felt so guilty because I had left for a second before all this deep pain started hurting. I came back, and they were taking him down the steps to authorites. They quickly ran and got an ambulance.
I tried to think of the possible reasons why this could have happened, and some other people told me: 'He could have had a gal stone'; 'He could have a kidney stone'; 'He could have a tumor;' 'He could have a cracked rib.'
Out of all of those, I figure that the rib is the best explaination. He was in pain right in his rib area, and then the lump was the shape of a small HARD edge of something. It wasn't in circle form, but it was most likely a rib out of place, or cracked, or twisted. I didn't know for sure, but I was praying to God that it wasn't a tumor.
The word began to spread. People started asking. "What happened to him?" "What's wrong?" "Where's he going?" "Why is he in pain?"
Nobody knew that last one. I didn't know. The medic didn't know. They had rushed him to the emergency room, but there was no way of knowing until they got there.
They kept him in the first ambulance to examine him, until the second one came to take him away. I saw him on a stretcher, and I began to get nervous. I was nervous already, but I didn't know if it was serious or not. Then I saw that, and I was completely out of the game. I didn't want anything bad to happen. What if it was serious? What if he--dies?
But of course, I didn't need to be on edge about this. I would feel so dumb if it wasn't something serious after all. There is just so many possibilities and assumptions that could have been made, but only ONE correct one. I still don't know that one, and won't until they give me a call.
Wouldn't you consider this a serious thing?
I had to go back and get all of his things and take them home with me. People called us to ask what had happened. I was getting angry. Rumors were going to be started over this, I could feel it.
I was worried the whole night, and I am a little right now. Not so much, because I know he will be alright.
That night was the only time I have ever seen him cry...
One of my friends was sent to the hospital from the game we were at, and nobody knew what was causing his sudden pain.
It could have been serious, it could have not been.
We were sitting in the stands, and then he asked me, "Leah, what happens when you are having a heart attack?" I said back, "Well, your left side starts to get numb, and you feel some pressure to your chest.."
Later, his heart started beating a million miles an hour. I wasn't too concerned because he was talking alright, and I figured that he wasn't in too bad of shape.
He began to hold his left side in pain, but it still wasn't too severe; it was bad, but he still could talk. I think he might have been trying to bare it considering where he was.
Then it worsened.. he could not sit up straight. "Zack, was it something you ate? Did you drink something? Are you on some kind of medication?"
Earlier he had let me feel that spot that was giving him the trouble. "Leah there is a lump.. I think it's getting bigger..."
"Hey you just let me know if it gets too bad ok?"
It got to the point where he could not sit up. He was in agony. His breathing began to get restricted, and his veins began to protrude. "Everytime I breath it hurts." He was holding on the a full bottle of water, and then he busted the top off of it. [He was using it as a pressure ball, but he was in so much pain, the top busted.] I felt so guilty because I had left for a second before all this deep pain started hurting. I came back, and they were taking him down the steps to authorites. They quickly ran and got an ambulance.
I tried to think of the possible reasons why this could have happened, and some other people told me: 'He could have had a gal stone'; 'He could have a kidney stone'; 'He could have a tumor;' 'He could have a cracked rib.'
Out of all of those, I figure that the rib is the best explaination. He was in pain right in his rib area, and then the lump was the shape of a small HARD edge of something. It wasn't in circle form, but it was most likely a rib out of place, or cracked, or twisted. I didn't know for sure, but I was praying to God that it wasn't a tumor.
The word began to spread. People started asking. "What happened to him?" "What's wrong?" "Where's he going?" "Why is he in pain?"
Nobody knew that last one. I didn't know. The medic didn't know. They had rushed him to the emergency room, but there was no way of knowing until they got there.
They kept him in the first ambulance to examine him, until the second one came to take him away. I saw him on a stretcher, and I began to get nervous. I was nervous already, but I didn't know if it was serious or not. Then I saw that, and I was completely out of the game. I didn't want anything bad to happen. What if it was serious? What if he--dies?
But of course, I didn't need to be on edge about this. I would feel so dumb if it wasn't something serious after all. There is just so many possibilities and assumptions that could have been made, but only ONE correct one. I still don't know that one, and won't until they give me a call.
Wouldn't you consider this a serious thing?
I had to go back and get all of his things and take them home with me. People called us to ask what had happened. I was getting angry. Rumors were going to be started over this, I could feel it.
I was worried the whole night, and I am a little right now. Not so much, because I know he will be alright.
That night was the only time I have ever seen him cry...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Well, I think that November has been abandoned. Well, I guess not as much as October..
Tomorrow is the last game. William is so sad. Me too. Who is going to be my dance partner??
I haven't made a post just about all this week. Hmm.. I went to Gymnastics Tuesday... and It was great. I got lazy at the end. I started doing step-outs.
So what happened this week?
Nothing really. My kitten was killed by pitbulls on Saturday. Hmm.. went to church [accompanied by Rudy and Simon.] School caught on fire tonight.. [talk more on this later.]
Oh yeah!
I kept waking up at weirdo times, and I don't know why. Also.. my tooth has been starting back up with it's pain. :( I was doing so good without it too. I have even had time to clean and watch tv! I never do that. I am always on the go, or it's too late to do it.
Tomorrow is the last game. William is so sad. Me too. Who is going to be my dance partner??
I haven't made a post just about all this week. Hmm.. I went to Gymnastics Tuesday... and It was great. I got lazy at the end. I started doing step-outs.
So what happened this week?
Nothing really. My kitten was killed by pitbulls on Saturday. Hmm.. went to church [accompanied by Rudy and Simon.] School caught on fire tonight.. [talk more on this later.]
Oh yeah!
I kept waking up at weirdo times, and I don't know why. Also.. my tooth has been starting back up with it's pain. :( I was doing so good without it too. I have even had time to clean and watch tv! I never do that. I am always on the go, or it's too late to do it.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Pastel's Lesson.
"I only teach you animals and colors because I am terrible at everything else."
dog = kutya
rabit = nyúl / nyuszi
cat = macska
cow = tehén
duck = kacsa
spider = pók
ant = hangya
giraffe = zsíráf
elephant = elefánt
whale = bálna
kitten = cica
sheep = bárány
snail = csiga
bird = madár
chicken = tyúk
goose = lúd
mouse = egér
pig = malac
rat = patkány
mosquito = szúnyog
fly = légy
butterfly = pillangó
bull = bika
horse = ló
donkey = szamár
monkey = majom
dolphin = delfin
llama = láma
dog = kutya
rabit = nyúl / nyuszi
cat = macska
cow = tehén
duck = kacsa
spider = pók
ant = hangya
giraffe = zsíráf
elephant = elefánt
whale = bálna
kitten = cica
sheep = bárány
snail = csiga
bird = madár
chicken = tyúk
goose = lúd
mouse = egér
pig = malac
rat = patkány
mosquito = szúnyog
fly = légy
butterfly = pillangó
bull = bika
horse = ló
donkey = szamár
monkey = majom
dolphin = delfin
llama = láma
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Happy Halloween!
It is actually November 1st, but I am posting for last night because that was Halloween.
I have this terrible feeling that I am way to old to go Trick or Treat.
I also have this weird feeling that those 30 year old people that I saw out last night WITHOUT kids are too old to go too.
Oh well.
I did get some candy from generous people all during the day. Some weren't so generous, which is why I am wondering if they put some poison in it.
Thursday is here already! These weeks are just getting faster and faster.
The weather got hot again. BOO. I don't know why, but it was freezing cold this morning, then it got really hot this afternoon. Once again, I was stuck wearing a jacket.
It is actually November 1st, but I am posting for last night because that was Halloween.
I have this terrible feeling that I am way to old to go Trick or Treat.
I also have this weird feeling that those 30 year old people that I saw out last night WITHOUT kids are too old to go too.
Oh well.
I did get some candy from generous people all during the day. Some weren't so generous, which is why I am wondering if they put some poison in it.
Thursday is here already! These weeks are just getting faster and faster.
The weather got hot again. BOO. I don't know why, but it was freezing cold this morning, then it got really hot this afternoon. Once again, I was stuck wearing a jacket.
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