Friday, May 23, 2008


So today was the day.

The performance at the Clarion was tonight, and it was surpisingly fantastic. I got complements after it was over, and so did the ensemble :D

I'm going crazy because I am still up to my eyeballs in things I have to do.

Not to mention I have to go to bed like right now because I have to be at the school at 4 in the morning tomorrow.

Well, I am glad because we got that retarded project taken care of, I went in and finished the last of the blue-prints. Those people better appreciate me, and we better get an A+ plus on that project, or I'm gonna stab somebody.

We've worked so hard on that thing, it's not even funny.

A little bit of randomness for the day, I'm listening to "O Happy Day" right now.

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