Thursday, March 13, 2008

Oh I love it

This, perhaps, could be the happiest day of my life...

--Why you ask? Because I went to the dentist..

Oh she went to the dentist, big woop. Oh yeah, it' is a BIG woop.

I got both sides of my mouth fixed, and a porcelain cap on the right. I am so happy about it. They have been giving me trouble for so long. If you click the tag that says "tooth," you will see a whole bunch of posts that were made concerning my teeth. ALL the way back to God knows when. I am just glad I got it taken care of, and not to mention virtually pain-free!

I made this video a few minutes ago, and I think it is really cute. Check it out...
Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

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