Saturday, March 22, 2008

I Will Always Love You

Drastic day I must say. Being forced to do work against my will--and get this.. WITHOUT PAY! Some people say "Manual labor never hurt anyone!" but I think it's against my personal standards, doing work without pay. I guess it was for a good cause.

Wow, I feel like a foreigner.

It took me about 15 minutes to figure out the word "standards." I forgot it. I had to go ask my sister. Ha.

It was pretty horrible today. We saw this guy laying in the road. It was terrible. I called 911, and they said they already knew about it.. He looked like he had a motocycle accident. He was facedown in the road. It was terrible. Just like a dead animal--no joke.

I watched a couple of movies today. I watched "Animal House" today. There is this guy I know that is in love with this movie. I didn't know anything about it, but I figured I would watch it.

It seemed like one of those movies that are supposed to be popular, because they are super funny. But some parts were kinda gross, like the "WHAT AM I NOW? IM A PIMPLE! POP" yeah that made me gag.

I also watched a little big sweeter movie. A classic "Titanic" I haven't watched it in so long. I forgot some parts. It was sweet.

Of course pretty much the whole world has seen this movie, but it was on, and I was sitting down, so I watched it. It was good.. Kept me glued to the Tv.
Hmm.. Some movie.. Cold Mountain is randomly on. I don't know what this is about but. EASTER IS TOMORROW! I almost missed it though. I was supposed to go to Mexico with a friend, but there was a last minute change of plans. That is ok though. I have had a good Spring Break so far. It's over now though, but what ever.
DO you know what movie I want to see? I want to see "No country for Old men" really bad. I wonder if it is as good as they say it is.
You should have seen me earlier.. I was stuffing eggs. Lol. I felt like a full grown easter bunny.
So I recently figured out how to bust into .rar files. I felt so accomplished. But My poor computer. I don't know if it can take it. I got some converter called WinRar. It is just screaming virus at me.. but you know. I think it is doing well. Nice and safe. Like a warm blanket or something. I dont know.

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