Friday, February 29, 2008

Time to Leap

Well, I figured I would only be able to do this once in 4 years, so why not make a post on leap day. I just made one yesterday, and I am not used to making posts so frequently.

Depressing right?

What did I watch tonight?

G.I Jane: Kinda got boring, so I didn't finish that.

Sleepy Hollow: I have seen that one before, so I wasn't really surprised at all the fake blood.

Species: That one actually made me laugh; the thought of a large cocoon eating people.

Sixteen Candles: You know, the cliche teenager movie with the hot guy that everyone likes.

Spongebob to Atlantis: Nickolodeon special, what can I say?

The Matrix: It was on, but sadly the other viewers wanted to watch Reba.

Urban Legend: Kinda lame; I can't believe I sat through roughly 10 mins of it.

Did I just type that list in Alphabetical order? Sweet.

SO I'm done posting for today. I can't remember the last time I posted more than once in a week.

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