Thursday, February 28, 2008

Oh, Jeebus.

What? March?

What happened to February?

Lately I have been feeling extremely random and unorganized.. like right now, I and sitting in the back seat of a car with my laptop typing a post, not to mention a bag of Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos chips at my side.


172 Days.

Earlier today I was watching "Enter the Dragon," Again.. I watch that movie a lot. Only because it is [in my opinion] one of the greatest movies ever made. Maybe not really, but I just love Bruce Lee.

It was randomly on, so I said "Por que no?"

A couple of friends and I put in "Operation: R.U.N," but it failed miserably; we couldn't even get halfway down the track without laughing our heads off.

What was so funny you ask?

It was just in the moment of running in slow motion to "Eye of the Tiger."

Ejercicio is good for the heart you know. Lately, I have been feeling like a couch-potato, and I figured I would gather some friends up, and do some evening running. It kinda sorta maybe worked out.

I have a slight addiction to the songs "Vincent" and "Ahora Quien." Amazing.

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