Friday, December 28, 2007


Turtle racing?

Rachel's favorite show. DUMB.

What did I miss? Oh Christmas!

It was good on this end. I had lots of fun with the family :) TOO much food, but that was all good. Everyone loved their presents.

This week was great. I really enjoyed staying home. Too bad this break is almost over. Not just this break, but the year as well. It's truely saddening.

I did something I haven't done in years. I watched a movie. In fact, I watched 4 movies. :D

Ooo, Sleepy Hollow. It was so predictable. Even though I have never seen this before. The whole "chopping of the heads" thing was too fake. The story is a classic though.

Hmm, this movie was ok. It just came on, I wasn't interested at first but then it got better. About some assassin guy that hunts humans, and then runs from the FBI, predictable.

I have seen this one before. It is so twisted. The worst thing about this movie was that annoying lisp Detective Grahm had in this movie. Little weird, and psychotic, but it was ok.

Very cute movie. A little late for Christmas though, but it was good. About this elf, well human, that was raised by elves, and he thinks he's an elf, and then he goes to New York city. Classic.

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