Friday, February 8, 2008

Too Much

Where have the days gone? I came to make a post, and I saw that the last one was on the 26th. Kinda a long time ago.

This week was--what was it? I don't know.

I have a big headache right now. It just popped up out of nowhere.

I am watching "Never Been Kissed" though. It is one of those movies-- you know the movies that everyone watches, and it becomes a popular love story. It's good.

It's about this woman, who is a loser in high school, and then she grows up to be a reporter, and then she gets assigned to a job as an undercover high school student, and she has to create a story about the lives of those students.

Long story short, she ends up falling in love with one of her teachers, and then they make out for like 30 minutes at the end.

It is good. I have seen it so many times. Even though I know what happens, I really am able to watch it over and over.

My head feels like a bowling ball right now.

Hmm, the presidential election. What is my opinion? I think that the people need to stop leaning on that whole "HILLARY-OBAMA" thing.


It's the Apocolypse. My jeebus people.. I have to admit that I feel a little sorry for the other canidates. It's almost like that don't have a chance. I think this is turning more into a celebrity thing. That one guy--what was his name? John Edwards? He dropped out. [Did you know he has his own Wikipedia page?] Well anyway, he has this sad story about his son dying when he was 16 and his wife has cancer. Nobody seems to notice that. Oh, but Hillary and Obama are talking trash about each other.. Ooo, that's front page coverage!

In other news, my computer is officially on crack. This thing keeps crashing, yet it cannot pick up any problems. That dreaded blue screen comes up. Gah, it's so depressing.

Some call it, the "BSOD" or formally known as The Blue Screen of Death. I don't think I want to call it by that name. It sounds too--too negative. Got to think positive here, I have only had this computer for little over a year.

So, I have completed the first entry for February. Tomorrow, I am supposed to have a track session. I wonder if I still remember how to run? I haven't done that in a long time either.

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