Saturday, January 26, 2008

Movie Day!

So I was sick today, and there was only one way to make up for it--Movies!

I don't just lay around all day often, but I got some sort of cold this weekend, and then it hit me full force Friday night; I spent Saturday morning/afternoon recovering. Of course I am all better now, but in the mean time, I watched some action.. [I also drank a ton of water. I hear that's good for you]

Hmm, I saw "Daredevil," which wasn't as good as it seemed, and wasn't as bad as it was criticized to be. I actually thought some parts were interesting.

I saw "Malibu's Most Wanted." Now about this movie, I didn't think it was so good the first time I saw it in the movie theatres a few years ago, but then I saw it again today, and it was pretty funny; dumb, but pretty funny.

Haha, oh, and last night I randomly ran across the sequel to "一リテルの涙” 「My gosh I haven't written in Japanese in so long, I don't even remember what I’m Doing」 But the show was in Japanese, and I watched the whole depressing series in the summer, and I loved it, and I found the sequel last night. I have to admit, I cried a little. Her lover went on the be a doctor, so he could find a cure for the disease that killed her. It is based on a true story too! "One Litre of Tears."

Man the whole thing is just. AGH. So sad. I couldn't help but watch it. The girl was only 15, when she found out she had a terminal illness. She had her life ahead of her... but that didn't stop it.

I saw "Bride and Prejudice" again, I think I watched it just to hear the song "Take me to Love," which I Love. My jeebus, it's an addictive song.

This is a good movie, not too popular, but good. I had no idea it was supposed to be a musical before I watched it, but I kinda caught on when they started dancing in the middle of the night and running through the house like it was a Barmitzvah.

I was feeling better at this point and I got up and did some things; later this evening, I watched "Spiderman 2" when I was eating dinner.

Ahh, I kinda got tired of this, and then left the room. I have seen all but the last Spiderman, so it wasn't anything new.

Then after that, it pretty much got bad, except for "Juno", which I watched the beginning of, but turned of.. (You can see the previous post for a picture of that one...)

Right now as I type, I watching "Batman Begins," which I'm glad it's about to go off, because it is BORE. I watched it all because I figured it will be good. It also is having a sequel coming out that stars the recently deceased Heath Ledger. You know, him dying is one of those things that you hear about, but you just don't believe. I mean, really, the guy was in his hey-day, and he was doing well. It's like "Heath Ledger is DEAD." That's so strange. When he died, everyone made a big 'Hallabaloo' about it, but they seemed to fail to mention the death of child star "Brad Renfro," who played in "The client," a movie I happened to like very much. He did just a week earlier. You didn't see his name all over the news.

I watched it a lot when I was younger, and I have always liked that movie; even though it is about a boy that find a dead body, and then gets threatened by the mafia to keep quiet about it. But other than that, its a SUPER movie. Haha.

I am thinking about changing my profile song, but I have no idea what to change it to. Any ideas?

I took this picture last night. Hmm, I was sick? Not bad for a stuffy nose.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i havent been up over here your blog for a long while so here i go
I like this new profile song This is the best one until this time :) an old friend (200 and a lot like your george washington's shoes)