Monday, January 7, 2008


It's already the first week in the new year. It feels so weird to say "2008" I think liked 2007. I already miss it!

It was terribly sad tonight; my last kitten was killed. The twin of the other one that was killed in November.

The weird thing about it was, that before we pulled into the driveway, I had this strange feeling that I was gonna see my cat dead, and guess what.. it happened. [How in the world did that happen?]

It was the strangest thing. Not even a minute later, I heard a gasp and there he was.. on the pavement.

I played detective for a short while after I got over the sight--it wasn't a bad sight I must say. No blood: the cat's eyes were open though.

Strange, no blood. Which means, it probably didn't have time to seep out yet, which means.. it was a fresh kill.

What if it happened at the exact same time as I was getting that feeling?

Psychic maybe?

Naah, it's nearly impossible.

I must mention though. I had a dream last night that one of my cats had a terrible accident, and their rib cage was ripped open, but.. they lived. It wasn't the kitten though. STRANGE.

Ok, well. It breaks my heart. I don't have anymore kittens. Just this old cat that I have had before I even lived in this house.

He is turning 3 in April.

This was taken a long time ago, possibly.. 2 years. He is not that cute anymore.

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