The day after Valentine's Day?
Well, I didn't like today so much. It was awful. Lots of 'bad things..'
First was "Hotel Rwanda." I had heard that it was a good movie and it was on IMDB's top 250 movies as number 75, so I figured it had to be good. Sadly, I missed the first 8.3 minutes, so it was like trying to read brail or something.. it made no sense.
The plot, hmm, I usually talk about the plot. Well basicly, it's about this guy that owns a hotel in Rwanda. Yep. Actually it is a true story based from actual events in Africa in 1994. For some reason this reminds me so much of what happened in Somalia.. Maybe it's all the blood and machetes..
After that I saw an ad for "Schindler's List."
Depressing, Yes.
But informative. Also a yes.
I skipped through so much of it because when they have conversations, it is so boring. I just skip to the parts where there is some action. But oh. The exploding of the heads. That is just.. ugh, terrible. They kill innocent children and people, but then again, what's new? It's just horrific. I haven't watched all of it yet, but I am working on it.
Well this one was about a guy that owned a shop in Krafw, [ok, can't spell it] Poland? Germany.. whoops can't remember, but he owns a shop, and then he saves over 1,000 jews by getting them to work in his factory. Supposedly, he is a great icon in history or something. I have never heard of him. :/
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