Friday, February 29, 2008
Time to Leap
Depressing right?
What did I watch tonight?
G.I Jane: Kinda got boring, so I didn't finish that.
Sleepy Hollow: I have seen that one before, so I wasn't really surprised at all the fake blood.
Species: That one actually made me laugh; the thought of a large cocoon eating people.
Sixteen Candles: You know, the cliche teenager movie with the hot guy that everyone likes.
Spongebob to Atlantis: Nickolodeon special, what can I say?
The Matrix: It was on, but sadly the other viewers wanted to watch Reba.
Urban Legend: Kinda lame; I can't believe I sat through roughly 10 mins of it.
Did I just type that list in Alphabetical order? Sweet.
SO I'm done posting for today. I can't remember the last time I posted more than once in a week.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Oh, Jeebus.
What happened to February?
Lately I have been feeling extremely random and unorganized.. like right now, I and sitting in the back seat of a car with my laptop typing a post, not to mention a bag of Nacho Cheese flavored Doritos chips at my side.
172 Days.
Earlier today I was watching "Enter the Dragon," Again.. I watch that movie a lot. Only because it is [in my opinion] one of the greatest movies ever made. Maybe not really, but I just love Bruce Lee.
It was randomly on, so I said "Por que no?"
A couple of friends and I put in "Operation: R.U.N," but it failed miserably; we couldn't even get halfway down the track without laughing our heads off.
What was so funny you ask?
It was just in the moment of running in slow motion to "Eye of the Tiger."
Ejercicio is good for the heart you know. Lately, I have been feeling like a couch-potato, and I figured I would gather some friends up, and do some evening running. It kinda sorta maybe worked out.
I have a slight addiction to the songs "Vincent" and "Ahora Quien." Amazing.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Schindler's List
The day after Valentine's Day?
Well, I didn't like today so much. It was awful. Lots of 'bad things..'
First was "Hotel Rwanda." I had heard that it was a good movie and it was on IMDB's top 250 movies as number 75, so I figured it had to be good. Sadly, I missed the first 8.3 minutes, so it was like trying to read brail or something.. it made no sense.
The plot, hmm, I usually talk about the plot. Well basicly, it's about this guy that owns a hotel in Rwanda. Yep. Actually it is a true story based from actual events in Africa in 1994. For some reason this reminds me so much of what happened in Somalia.. Maybe it's all the blood and machetes..
After that I saw an ad for "Schindler's List."
Depressing, Yes.
But informative. Also a yes.
I skipped through so much of it because when they have conversations, it is so boring. I just skip to the parts where there is some action. But oh. The exploding of the heads. That is just.. ugh, terrible. They kill innocent children and people, but then again, what's new? It's just horrific. I haven't watched all of it yet, but I am working on it.
Well this one was about a guy that owned a shop in Krafw, [ok, can't spell it] Poland? Germany.. whoops can't remember, but he owns a shop, and then he saves over 1,000 jews by getting them to work in his factory. Supposedly, he is a great icon in history or something. I have never heard of him. :/
Thursday, February 14, 2008
St. Vinny
Friday, February 8, 2008
Too Much
This week was--what was it? I don't know.
I have a big headache right now. It just popped up out of nowhere.
I am watching "Never Been Kissed" though. It is one of those movies-- you know the movies that everyone watches, and it becomes a popular love story. It's good.
It's about this woman, who is a loser in high school, and then she grows up to be a reporter, and then she gets assigned to a job as an undercover high school student, and she has to create a story about the lives of those students.
Long story short, she ends up falling in love with one of her teachers, and then they make out for like 30 minutes at the end.
It is good. I have seen it so many times. Even though I know what happens, I really am able to watch it over and over.
My head feels like a bowling ball right now.
Hmm, the presidential election. What is my opinion? I think that the people need to stop leaning on that whole "HILLARY-OBAMA" thing.
It's the Apocolypse. My jeebus people.. I have to admit that I feel a little sorry for the other canidates. It's almost like that don't have a chance. I think this is turning more into a celebrity thing. That one guy--what was his name? John Edwards? He dropped out. [Did you know he has his own Wikipedia page?] Well anyway, he has this sad story about his son dying when he was 16 and his wife has cancer. Nobody seems to notice that. Oh, but Hillary and Obama are talking trash about each other.. Ooo, that's front page coverage!
In other news, my computer is officially on crack. This thing keeps crashing, yet it cannot pick up any problems. That dreaded blue screen comes up. Gah, it's so depressing.
Some call it, the "BSOD" or formally known as The Blue Screen of Death. I don't think I want to call it by that name. It sounds too--too negative. Got to think positive here, I have only had this computer for little over a year.
So, I have completed the first entry for February. Tomorrow, I am supposed to have a track session. I wonder if I still remember how to run? I haven't done that in a long time either.