Saturday, January 26, 2008

Movie Day!

So I was sick today, and there was only one way to make up for it--Movies!

I don't just lay around all day often, but I got some sort of cold this weekend, and then it hit me full force Friday night; I spent Saturday morning/afternoon recovering. Of course I am all better now, but in the mean time, I watched some action.. [I also drank a ton of water. I hear that's good for you]

Hmm, I saw "Daredevil," which wasn't as good as it seemed, and wasn't as bad as it was criticized to be. I actually thought some parts were interesting.

I saw "Malibu's Most Wanted." Now about this movie, I didn't think it was so good the first time I saw it in the movie theatres a few years ago, but then I saw it again today, and it was pretty funny; dumb, but pretty funny.

Haha, oh, and last night I randomly ran across the sequel to "一リテルの涙” 「My gosh I haven't written in Japanese in so long, I don't even remember what I’m Doing」 But the show was in Japanese, and I watched the whole depressing series in the summer, and I loved it, and I found the sequel last night. I have to admit, I cried a little. Her lover went on the be a doctor, so he could find a cure for the disease that killed her. It is based on a true story too! "One Litre of Tears."

Man the whole thing is just. AGH. So sad. I couldn't help but watch it. The girl was only 15, when she found out she had a terminal illness. She had her life ahead of her... but that didn't stop it.

I saw "Bride and Prejudice" again, I think I watched it just to hear the song "Take me to Love," which I Love. My jeebus, it's an addictive song.

This is a good movie, not too popular, but good. I had no idea it was supposed to be a musical before I watched it, but I kinda caught on when they started dancing in the middle of the night and running through the house like it was a Barmitzvah.

I was feeling better at this point and I got up and did some things; later this evening, I watched "Spiderman 2" when I was eating dinner.

Ahh, I kinda got tired of this, and then left the room. I have seen all but the last Spiderman, so it wasn't anything new.

Then after that, it pretty much got bad, except for "Juno", which I watched the beginning of, but turned of.. (You can see the previous post for a picture of that one...)

Right now as I type, I watching "Batman Begins," which I'm glad it's about to go off, because it is BORE. I watched it all because I figured it will be good. It also is having a sequel coming out that stars the recently deceased Heath Ledger. You know, him dying is one of those things that you hear about, but you just don't believe. I mean, really, the guy was in his hey-day, and he was doing well. It's like "Heath Ledger is DEAD." That's so strange. When he died, everyone made a big 'Hallabaloo' about it, but they seemed to fail to mention the death of child star "Brad Renfro," who played in "The client," a movie I happened to like very much. He did just a week earlier. You didn't see his name all over the news.

I watched it a lot when I was younger, and I have always liked that movie; even though it is about a boy that find a dead body, and then gets threatened by the mafia to keep quiet about it. But other than that, its a SUPER movie. Haha.

I am thinking about changing my profile song, but I have no idea what to change it to. Any ideas?

I took this picture last night. Hmm, I was sick? Not bad for a stuffy nose.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Apologize--Timbland & OneRepublic. Good song.

This is not the way to start off the new year. I admit, I have been feeling a little lazy with writing in this blog, and I want to change that. It's just a little hard because I have so many things to do.

But I love my blog.

In that last post that I failed to complete, I left out two other movies: "Juno" and "Palindromes"

They are complete opposites yet, they are related.

Juno was a super good movie. I was kinda skeptic about it at first. I didn't know what I wanted to see at the movies, and I was already there, so I just picked one out. I had heard someone talking about that movie, and I decided I wanted to see it for myself. It was either that or "Alvin and the Chipmunks."

It was about this teenage girl that was 16, and she got pregnant by her not official boyfriend. In fact, there weren't even dating. They just thought that would give it a try. She has this spunky attitude, that runs the movie, but in the end, **** [not going to ruin it.]

Now the other movie, the one that just ruined all movies for me, did not make any sense what-so-ever. I didn't get the plot or anything. It was just about this psycho path girl (Probably not really a pyscho path, but by the things she does in this movie, it really seems like she is.) that goes on a journey to have a baby. She thinks she is "destined" to get one. She is like 13!

Basiclly she just bangs a bunch of guys [Young and old.] and then waits to see what happens. Not to mention she meets a lot of companions a long the way. What a skank.

After I had seen this, I seriously thought this was the worst movie that I had ever seen. It had no point.

Well, in other things, January is almost over, and here comes February. I'm telling you...

Friday, January 11, 2008

Movie Day

Today was kinda full. I did a lot of things.

Got up fairly early; had to bake a lot of cookies.

I saw "Stardust." William brought it over and we watched it. He knew the words..

Monday, January 7, 2008


It's already the first week in the new year. It feels so weird to say "2008" I think liked 2007. I already miss it!

It was terribly sad tonight; my last kitten was killed. The twin of the other one that was killed in November.

The weird thing about it was, that before we pulled into the driveway, I had this strange feeling that I was gonna see my cat dead, and guess what.. it happened. [How in the world did that happen?]

It was the strangest thing. Not even a minute later, I heard a gasp and there he was.. on the pavement.

I played detective for a short while after I got over the sight--it wasn't a bad sight I must say. No blood: the cat's eyes were open though.

Strange, no blood. Which means, it probably didn't have time to seep out yet, which means.. it was a fresh kill.

What if it happened at the exact same time as I was getting that feeling?

Psychic maybe?

Naah, it's nearly impossible.

I must mention though. I had a dream last night that one of my cats had a terrible accident, and their rib cage was ripped open, but.. they lived. It wasn't the kitten though. STRANGE.

Ok, well. It breaks my heart. I don't have anymore kittens. Just this old cat that I have had before I even lived in this house.

He is turning 3 in April.

This was taken a long time ago, possibly.. 2 years. He is not that cute anymore.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

On the Rocks.

That was a fun night.

I haven't made a post in here since last year! (I know that was a lame joke.)

Didn't want to miss out on the first post of the year. I don't know what kind of feeling I am getting from 2008. It feels normal. I remember I thought that 2007 felt 'uncomfortable.' Then I got used to it.

My gaa--I can already see February. In a week from today it will already be the 8th. OMG THIS YEAR IS OVER ALREADY!

Just kidding. :D

Only 364 more days until we do this all over again.