Friday, April 11, 2008

Que Paso!

Ha, Martin just told me that I am going in for the kill--ahh.

Freetime in BCIS = Free

That's right. I am at the school right now, and I decided to make a post. Considering that I haven't made one in a long time.

It was very odd yesterday. I got home at the normal time, and then I went to bed at around 5:45. It was so strange, because I wasn't really tired, but then my eyes started closing. So I decided to take just a LITTLE snooze.

I end up sleeping the whole afternoon, and night waking up at 4:00 a.m. How is this possible I ask? I have no earthly idea, but I have to say, I liked it.

Getting a full night AND an afternoon's worth a sleep. A+

JUST IN: Approximately 34 days left until freedom. Possible early release.

Seriously it's like a prison camp or something in here.
Not to mention only 127 days until the targeted date.

That day my friend will be THE day of personal freedom.

Talk about random. I just went digging around on this school computer, and this is what I found. A frying pan with some sunny-side up eggs in it. Yeaaaah.

We had this showdown today over Spanish words, and I won [Ha, surprise surprise] and I got this jumbo bag of rainbow twizzlers. Too bad I don't like twizzlers. I think I had that bag a grand total of 5 seconds before people came pouring in and attacked me. At first I had 35 pieces, and when all the grimy little hands finally made their way away from my bag, I was left with about 5 or 6.

WOW. They aren't that good, so I don't know what the big hallaballoo was all about.

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