Friday, August 22, 2008


Pum Pum Pum!

So it's been completely over a month since I have last posted in here, and if you want to get technical, it has been:

1 month, 3 days, 7 hours 48 minutes, and .28 seconds since I last posted..

But who's counting?

Kinda upset because I STILL haven't seen 'Dark Knight.' It's kinda annoying because I have to keep telling everyone to shut up about it because not EVERYBODY has seen it yet. Because you know, the other 6.1 billion people in the world have seen it, except me..

The long awaited countdown is complete, and my actual wait is over; sadly I'm still waiting for wheels...

What has happened?

Besides the U.S. of A dominating the Beijing Olympics, and the death of Bernie Mac, there's nothing much to talk about..

SHAWN JOHNSON! She rocked on Beam.

I was watching Pretty Woman today, and it was the most random movie to watch. Oddly this movie was.. Good. It's actually a classic. I've never seen it but it was on tv, so I just said why not. If you don't know the story, it's about this Beverly Hills hooker, that gets picked up by this business man [for business] and then she kinda, falls for him. Odd, but it's actually pretty good! Entertaining too. You know I have watched a number of movies lately [only 3 but..] and I was just trying to find that GREAT movie that would satisfy. I mean, I even watched "The Lakehouse.." Big mistake on my part. That movie was alright but the plot was rushed a little bit, and to be frank, I didn't really get interested until the ending.

But, Yesterday, a friend of mine and I watched 'The Illusionist' which wasn't half bad. I saw this movie somewhere the preview for it, and I was wondering when it was going to come out and to my surprise I saw it on video at the Library? [Don't ask me why I was there it was an accident I promise]

Anyway, it was there meaning it already came out on video and I knew I had just saw the preview for it on some other movie. Maybe it was one of those movies that don't ever go to theatres, they go straight to VHS, and DVD.

Either way it was an ok story the end still gets me, and I was completely fooled by his "Illusion" For some reason I still can't grasp how he did it.

Besides, that guy is a little too old to be locking lips with Jessica Biel. She's like half his age. Maybe not but perhaps she could pass as a niece or something.

Too much rain lately. I think I'm drowning in it.

Well my summer ends on Monday. Back to the horrific halls of.. SCHOOL.

AHH the death of us all. I never thought it would come in the form of homework and scary he-she teachers.

We had our first TASB show yesterday. It was great, and we thought it would all fall apart. People were giving standing ovations :D GRAND!