Wow, I feel like a foreigner.
It took me about 15 minutes to figure out the word "standards." I forgot it. I had to go ask my sister. Ha.
It was pretty horrible today. We saw this guy laying in the road. It was terrible. I called 911, and they said they already knew about it.. He looked like he had a motocycle accident. He was facedown in the road. It was terrible. Just like a dead animal--no joke.
It seemed like one of those movies that are supposed to be popular, because they are super funny. But some parts were kinda gross, like the "WHAT AM I NOW? IM A PIMPLE! POP" yeah that made me gag.
I also watched a little big sweeter movie. A classic "Titanic" I haven't watched it in so long. I forgot some parts. It was sweet.
Of course pretty much the whole world has seen this movie, but it was on, and I was sitting down, so I watched it. It was good.. Kept me glued to the Tv.
Hmm.. Some movie.. Cold Mountain is randomly on. I don't know what this is about but. EASTER IS TOMORROW! I almost missed it though. I was supposed to go to Mexico with a friend, but there was a last minute change of plans. That is ok though. I have had a good Spring Break so far. It's over now though, but what ever.
DO you know what movie I want to see? I want to see "No country for Old men" really bad. I wonder if it is as good as they say it is.
You should have seen me earlier.. I was stuffing eggs. Lol. I felt like a full grown easter bunny.
So I recently figured out how to bust into .rar files. I felt so accomplished. But My poor computer. I don't know if it can take it. I got some converter called WinRar. It is just screaming virus at me.. but you know. I think it is doing well. Nice and safe. Like a warm blanket or something. I dont know.
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