Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Soon Enough

My My, I't almost May!

You know what they say, "April showers bring May flowers"

Ok that was so random.

Summer is almost here, and I cannot wait. I can't remember whether I created this blog in June or July... I'm thinking it was July. Either way, it's amazing. The time sure does pass by so fast.

What has been going on?

Well, I have been so ocupada. [I didn't want to say busy, because that is what I ALWAYS say.]

I have had many things to do. And oddly, most of them have been durning the weekends.


I went to there a week ago, it was the bomb. I'm telling you. I haven't been to Galveston in a LONG time. I kinda forgot what it looks like :P

It was great. Dia tried to drown me numerous times. She kept saying "Sorry!" but I don't think she meant it.

Speaking of drowing, I was going down this one slide, and the guy at the top was having too much fun playing with his walkie talkies, that he didn't tell me how to go down. See I had never been on this particuliar ride, and nobody told me I was supposed to cross my legs and arms, and to hold my nose. WELL. I was going down 60 ft of SCREAMING TORTURE. The water was so fast and furious, that I realized if I had of lifted my head up, it might've gauged my eyes out! I kept coming up for air, but sadly I was in a giant tube. A giant BLUE tube. Everyone kept saying that if you went on that ride, you would get a wedgie. They weren't kidding, ouch!

I just watched "Prom Night. " Not such a good movie. I read some reviews, and they were saying that it was completely predictable. Not lying! It was so cliche in a lot of it's scenes. I don't know if it was just me, but I found completely useless for that guy to kill all those people just to get to one girl, I mean really. And what is more retarded is that he kills then pretty much in the same room.. Or hotel room, whatever, SAME FLOOR.

I just thought it was extremely useless, and anyone who got scared by that... PUH-LEEZ

The only scary thing in that movie is the acting.

Seriously one of the lines from the movie is:

"Michael is making me so darn mad. And on top of that I have killer cramps!"

How lame is that?

If you want to see something scary, I advise Horton Hears A Who; that simple Children's movie has more worth than that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I havent been here so looong time ago
And i cant stand that your blog is so alone, nobody feels to leave a comment here.... booo
Hmm and you changed your profile You should have seen my face man when i saw it :)