Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ike Yikes!

September 11th.

Least we forget.

They played a bunch of memorials and stuff that was so sad they made the rest of us depressed that we survived.

But non-the-less, it was definately one of the most signifigant moments in history.

Some historians say it lasted 106 minutes.

Yesterday was my sister's birthday. 7 years ago on this day we got the news of "My fellow Americans--there was an attack on our nation this morning." It just was ironic that it was on 911. Erriieeee!

Today is also a friend of mine's daughters 1st birthday. Kinda cute.. but sad, considering what day it is.

In the midst of all of this though, the people of Texas have almost forgotten the date, well at least the people close to the Gulf--stupid hurricane. Destorying everything.

My town is under curfew. Can you believe that? some people wanted some ice cream..

We decided not to evacuate. We didn't evacuate for Rita a few years ago. Stupid I guess. I was acutally outside when it hit. Took some pictures too I believe.

I don't know though, I heard this one is supposed to be REALLY bad. IF I die, whoever reads this knows what was on my mind last.

Trapped--we aren't allowed to engage in any activities. All I have is the tv and what's left of my sanity. Not much under the circumstances.

Watched "V for Vendetta" yesterday, then slept for 10 hours. It was good, just too much for me to take in.

All the schools are closed and evacuated. Imagine that, all the teachers gave us homework.

The church is boarded up. The preacher and his wife left waay earlier this week. They were prepared. I guess no church this Sunday.

Planning to go to Costa Rica in June. Pretty expensive although it's going to be worth it I hear. $2,210 dollars? It better be.

I need a job. NO openings though. Hmm, I guess I'm not trying hard enough.

I wasss planning to go to the beach on Saturday but guess I can't now because of the Hurricannee.. Jeez Ike.