Monday, December 31, 2007
Last one.
Or at least New Years Eve. It's only 7 here. :)
I just wanted to put in a last post for this year. My little blog has done well..
See you in 2008!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I woke up extremely sore this morning but.. it was for a good cause.
Yes, yes, it's very hard to believe. It was supposed to be a joint effort, but my partner skipped out on me.
I cleaned so much.. I don't think I have ever cleaned so hard in my life. The sad part about all this cleaning is that it will probably not stay like this, considering my hectic life during the weekdays of school. Truely saddening.
Leaves me no time.
So I decided to clean it for now, and wait and see how long it lasts.
In the 2 day period I last made a post, I watched 4 MORE movies, but not all at once.
I remember it was required to read this book for a grade in elementary school. Then we watched the movie afterwards, and I really liked it. It is about this group of kids, who make up a sort of family together, but are also a part of a gang called the "Greasers." This movie has some actors in it that later became famous like, Ralph Macchio, Tom Cruise, and Patrick Swayze.
I think pretty much everyone knows about this movie. I wasn't going to watch it at first, but then.. I decided to. "This is my Jean-nay" I love that part. Was it me, or did that movie seem like it was extremely long?
This movie was great when I saw it as a little kid, and now. It's funny: I thought it was scary back then. To all those who don't know about this, it is about this couple that owns this huge house, and then later they are killed, and then this other family buys it. The thing is, the couple ends up haunting that house... I really like this movie, and I never realized it was by Tim Burton. I should have guessed considering he always has weirdo creepy themes to all his movies. Alec Baldwin was in this? Who would have known?
And today, I watched this one. I have seen it before too. It's so... I don't know. Makes you wonder how some things are possible. This one is about this guy (Johnny Depp) who is a writer, and then one day this weirdo hick shows up and says that he stole one of his storys and published it. Then the hick threatens him and stuff.. blah blah blah go watch it.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Rachel's favorite show. DUMB.
What did I miss? Oh Christmas!
It was good on this end. I had lots of fun with the family :) TOO much food, but that was all good. Everyone loved their presents.
This week was great. I really enjoyed staying home. Too bad this break is almost over. Not just this break, but the year as well. It's truely saddening.
Hmm, this movie was ok. It just came on, I wasn't interested at first but then it got better. About some assassin guy that hunts humans, and then runs from the FBI, predictable.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
That's right, I said it. Christmas is here. So you know what that means. Only 6 more days left in this year. I really sad you know. I can't believe it went by so fast.
Sucks because I was up late last night doing some cleaning before today. I would say at least until 2:30 a.m. I didn't hear Santa. Maybe he was running late...
My family was so good to me this year. Seriously, you should see the loot.
It's so cold today. BUT-no snow. I regret living here sometimes. It is always hot year-around, and...andd umm.. That's it. I love everything else :D
I put the title that because about a month ago, I watched a classic movie called "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure."
It was fularious. <--- IS this a word?
Man, I love Christmas. I love the unity around the world. Makes me smile :)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Long Time.
I haven't posted in so long, I figured I would do so today.
I finished my Christmas shopping today--Good job Leah, 3 days before Christmas.
In this past two weeks, I can't really recall what all happened except, wait.. Oh nope, I can't remember.
Let's see...
Gymnastics Tuesday. Wait, that's every Tuesday.
Holiday Break. Oh that means no school. Score.
Exam Week. Boring as ever.
Spanish Party. Club party at the "Jimador." It was amazing.
I can't think of anything. I took some pictures around the tree tonight. I was feeling a little artistic.
This is a little different I guess.

That Jaime-lynn girl got knocked up. SAD. I read this news article about Nickolodeon trying to promote a show about abstinance and safe sex. Considering she was one of their biggest stars, and she ruined her career. You know, She's gonna keep the baby. I hope she is nothing like her sister.
What is Christmas?
Christmas is an annual holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus. The date of the celebration is traditional, and is not considered to be his actual date of birth. Christmas festivities often combine the commemoration of Jesus' birth with various secular customs, many of which have been influenced by earlier winter festivals.
In most places around the world, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. Christmas Eve is the preceding day, December 24.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Silver Caps
I went to All American tonight, and I was feeling LAY ZEE. I wasn't the only one either.
I went to the dentist yesterday, expecting to FINALLY get that root canal. You know what they did? They took of my silver cap I got last time, and then they looked at the tooth, and put the cap back! It was such a waste of time. I guess I should be happy because my jaw would have been swollen, and I had to sing at a talent show audition today.
Some big thing that is going to be a year from last Monday--the 10th. If I am chosen, I am going to be going to Dallas.
I admit, even though I live in Texas, I have never been to Dallas.
Friday, December 7, 2007
What Are Your Thoughts?
Foreign Exchange
"Foreign Exchange is a great way to learn about other cultures..."
Leah's Views:
Q: Would you ever like to be an exchange student?
A: I think that would be one of the most fascinating things I would do. Travel has always interest to me.
Monday, December 3, 2007
What Are Your Thoughs?
Pastel's Views:
Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: NO. That isn't called love; love is a feeling that you can achive. First sight is only hormones, sex and like.
Q: How do you achieve love?
Q: How do you know it's love for sure?
A: You can't just know for sure. You can only hope it is and will never run away. People have to protect love, because it can be easily broken.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What Are Your Thoughts?
Issue 1L.O.V.E
Leah's Views:
"I was listening to this really sad romantic music and then I thought about what I was told the other day about 'love at first sight.' Many people don't believe in it you know and some do."
Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?
A: "Well I think that is a hard question. There are so many different kinds of love, but only one true love. For me, I think that you can be attracted to someone at first, but then fall in love later; it is not a planned thing it happens unexpected and you feel like your life has been taken over, and you don't know what move to make next. It's hard to think about other things, and that's how you know you are supposed to spend the rest of your life with that person. 'First sight' kinda doesnt' exist. Maybe not for true love, but maybe for lust. When you are in love with someone, it is like a big picture; you can't see anything else."
Dia's Views:
Q: Do you believe in Love at First Sight?
A: "I believe in love at first sight. I believe love is the closest thing we have to magic, so we should cherish it forever. I believe there is nothing better than love; waking up and having a 'reason' to live. To feel full, together, one. To feel happy with yourself and the world around you. To want to share your joy that your special someone makes u feel. I don't know, I just think it's awesome. There is nothing like it. Being with them. I don't know. Love is just something you can't live without. It's necessary. You're just not full. You need it; it's essential. "