Friday, December 26, 2008


Ahh, what a day.

Didn't do much, but it felt good to take it easy. Wow, only 5 more days left in 2008. It was an ok year for me. It brought about a lot of changes and hardships, but they only made me grow. I learned how to juggle my time, and organize my wants and necessities.

A tad bit of coming-of-age too.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve

Ahh, what a beautiful time of year. I absolutely love the Christmas season.

What's not to love?

  • Department stores take like 70% off of all stuff that "MUST GO"
  • You get to stuff yourself with delicious holiday foods, without feeling COMEPLETLY bad about it..
  • People give you free gifts
  • And the most important, the family gathers together to enjoy happy holiday merryment together.

Today is Christmas eve, and it feels good just to be alive. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. I know I'm going to stuff my mouth. Enjoy the gifts!